Thu 18 Nov, 2004 01:49 pm
Anything exciting happened in your life lately? Got a new job? Moving somewhere! Been promoted? Expecting a grandchild? Do share!
OK, I'll start:
I was offered a fellowship at the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna starting next July. It is fantastic, it will give me half a year to translate my dissertation into vernacular and hopefully have it published! Just heard the news half hour ago. I will also have a new job, starting Jan. 1st in ethnic conflict resolution - a job I dreamed about for years. I will keep that job while I'm in Vienna. Can life be possibly more wonderful?
Your turn to brag now.
No, no, no! It's our turn to congratulate you!
I finally dug out that large ball of lint that had been lodged in my belly button for the past three weeks.
By the way, congratulations, Dag!
Really great news life is too boring to be wonderful...but i am happy for you!
Dag, I am thrilled for you, that is so wonderful!!!
(nothing new here except that I replaced my left brake light replaced this a.m.)
Congartulations, Dagmar!
(Seems to be a very calm job, according to what they show as pic on their website
[So we meet next spring.]
Wow, thanks y'all. You peeps are so fast! Yes, Walter, I will be close to home at last for awhile.
Good for you Dag. Now I'm sorry I missed you in San Francisco.
Sounds fantastic, Dag.
My news is that our local city council voted a hefty budget to buy outdoor cinema equipment and officially asked two days ago for me & my library film programming committee to help them with arranging the licensing and picking out films. We knew it was coming but were pleased to find that they'll do all the grunt work -- setting up & running the equipment, arranging for insurance, clean-up, security, publicity and various permits, while we get to have the fun jobs.
However, that's not nearly so cool as starting your career in Vienna.
Good work, dag.
Be sure to send me a postcard.
Ethnic conflict resolution?!?! Sounds dangerous. What does it entail.
On a ME note: the Daughter is in her senior year of college and we're starting to make plans for a celebration. Also The Mass. Rehab. folks are helping us get job training for Older Son. He's great kid, but with special needs.
congrats, dag!
Quote:Welcome here in Vienna.
maybe you'll get the chance to meet Thok... and convince him to get an avatar & sig line already
Congratulations--doors are opening. Hold your dominion.
Yay, thank you all. Great job, Piffka, great work on the kids, George! Gus, I will come to see you in person. You must be visiting the Ratzenhofer estate in Austria regularly, no?
Wonderful news!
Vienna is one of myfavourite places in the world. Enjoy it!