Fri 9 Jun, 2017 07:47 am
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
Do you wanna take a risk to do something really crazy in your whole life?
And what's it?
The craziest thing I ever did was to marry my first wife.
I'll go ahead and plead the fifth amendment.
Another crazy thing I did was to have a loud conversation with Satan in a crowded bus.
izzythepush wrote:
I've been to Leeds.
Me too - and I am from across the ocean. Didn't realize that was so crazy.
But then again it was to attend a general admission concert in a football (not American football) field so yeah it was crazy. Nearly caught trampled.
centrox wrote:
Another crazy thing I did was to have a loud conversation with Satan in a crowded bus.
Did you tell him to get behind you?
Linkat wrote: a general admission concert in a football (not American football) field
Why did you feel the need to tell me it wasn't an American football pitch? I really didn't think it was.
centrox wrote:
izzythepush wrote:Why did you feel the need to tell me it wasn't an American football pitch?
You never know...
This is confusing on all sorts of levels.
izzythepush wrote:Well bugger me.
I thought you'd never ask.
Buggery aside, I can't see that an American football team makes Leeds any more appealing. They could have the fountain of youth and it would still be a bit ****.
izzythepush wrote:
Linkat wrote: a general admission concert in a football (not American football) field
Why did you feel the need to tell me it wasn't an American football pitch? I really didn't think it was.
Not necessarily directed at you - the American football comment - just in general to be clear for everyone - especially us Americans that would immediately associate football with the Tom Brady type of game.
My thought exactly when we arrived in Leeds - I would never consider going there if it were not for the concert.
It was a great concert aside from the life threatening part of being squished and pushed and being hit by a bottle meant for the band (all a result of being up close to the stage) when concert goers toward the back didn't particularly like the opening band.
tsarstepan wrote:
centrox wrote:
Another crazy thing I did was to have a loud conversation with Satan in a crowded bus.
Did you tell him to get behind you?
Several times. I tried reasoning with him quietly but that didn't work, so I shouted at him. Eventually the driver halted the bus and made him get off.
Yeah, get off and take your mouthy friend with you.
At age 17, I borrowed money from every family member and friend I could hit up and flew to France to confront my girlfriend who, I had been told, had fallen in love with a Frenchman.
It was particularly crazy because our relationship had always been rather sick and was in shambles when she left for the Sorbonne six months prior. During that time we never wrote to one another and I, in fact, began to woo my now wife.
The moment when we saw each other in Paris, I expected the clouds to part, the sun to shine and birdsong to fill the air, but alas it never took place.
Instead I was greeted by a scowl and "What are you doing here?" (Screw Hollywood!)
And I bet Old Scratch remained in his seat affecting a look of perfect innocence, but snickering under his breath. He can be such a twat!