Mgrs pse forgive me for two in rapid succession but ur software won't let me add it to the one below. In other words, while I'm still editing you cut me off. Really, I' not Sparing or Spamming or wehatever you callit, I'm just tryin' to edit the thing. So please please don't misinterpret this posdting: I just wanted to add a comment at the bottom !
...while this isn't about
you but Apple/Mac:
Open Letter to A/M: In your last Email junket you made so many mistakes you'r driving many of us across The Pit, like how you make it so hard to edit a letter. One in particular is your practice now of shoving two, three, or five or six letters together so when I click on the one I wanna review I get a half-dozen more in which I'm not at all interested. If you've any sense whatever, just
gimmie the one I click on
Now, a2k buddies, I'm wondering if any of you guys had noted that obvious deficiency, and if so whether you hate it as much as I
Guys, Ed'd to crit the Cap.: You (Spell Ed's make it so difficult for the typical speedreader: (1) paint it (or all three); (2) click on 'Edit' ; (3) Click on 'Transformations' ; (4) click on 'Capitalize,'
...by which time you've hit another stray key and so need 7 more key clicks and 'paintin's'
.....while I see you haven't done anything about the bottom umpin' up and down. Sure, it might not be an a2k deficiency but Apple/Mac, I'll never know. But if the latter, why can't you write to 'em and tell'em about it. They might even respond...if they can understand what you're sayin'....
....oh and 'umpin'' means 'jumpin,' which is short for 'jumping,' which means to leap or jiggle, usdu up and down.
You just gotta learn t]at neew rule: Owing to that typ[o in yhoujr hiring instgructions you just gotta change 'below' to 'above,' so you don't get so many handicapped....
Oh, an 't]at' doesn't often refer to AT&T but is simply a misspelling of "'that,' a very common mistke since the '[' is made with the same finger as the ' ' '
...or am I so fr behind your reasoning powers t[hat......
....while gee, guys it's a missp of 'for' fr God sake