Tears of Rage

Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2004 10:58 pm
dedicated to a friend indeed, Edgarblythe:
Sometimes I feel so low-down and disgusted
Can't help but wonder what's happenin' to my companions,
Are they lost or are they found, have they counted the cost it'll take to bring
All their earthly principles they're gonna have to abandon?
There's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.

I had a woman down in Alabama,
She was a backwoods girl, but she sure was realistic,
She said, "Boy, without a doubt, have to quit your mess and straighten out,
You could die down here, be just another accident statistic."
There's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.

All that foreign oil controlling American soil,
Look around you, it's just bound to make you embarrassed.
Sheiks walkin' around like kings, wearing fancy jewels and nose rings,
Deciding America's future from Amsterdam and to Paris
And there's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.

Man's ego is inflated, his laws are outdated, they don't apply no more,
You can't rely no more to be standin' around waitin'
In the home of the brave, Jefferson turnin' over in his grave,
Fools glorifying themselves, trying to manipulate Satan
And there's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.

Big-time negotiators, false healers and woman haters,
Masters of the bluff and masters of the proposition
But the enemy I see wears a cloak of decency,
All non-believers and men stealers talkin' in the name of religion
And there's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.

People starving and thirsting, grain elevators are bursting
Oh, you know it costs more to store the food than it do to give it.
They say lose your inhibitions, follow your own ambitions,
They talk about a life of brotherly love, show me someone who knows how to
live it. There's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.

Well, my baby went to Illinois with some bad-talkin' boy she could destroy
A real suicide case, but there was nothin' I could do to stop it,
I don't care about economy, I don't care about astronomy
But it sure do bother me to see my loved ones turning into puppets,
There's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2004 11:21 pm
Thank you, dys, old pal.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 07:49 am

Mister Charlie Lindbergh, he flew to old Berlin,
Got 'im a big Iron Cross, and he flew right back again
To Washington, Washington.

Misses Charlie Lindbergh, she come dressed in red,
Said: "I'd like to sleep in that pretty White house bed
In Washington, Washington."

Lindy said to Annie: "We'll get there by and by,
But we'll have to split the bed up with Hoover, Clark, and Nye
In Washington, Washington."

Hitler wrote to Lindy, said "Do your very worst,"
So Lindy started an outfit that he called America First
In Washington, Washington.

All around the country, Lindbergh he did fly,
And the gasoline was paid for by Hoover, Clark, and Nye
In Washington, Washington.

Lindy said to Hoover: "We'll do the same as France:
Make a deal with Hitler, and then we'll get our chance
In Washington, Washington."

Then they had a meetin', and all the Firsters come,
Come on a-walkin', they come on a-runnin',
(Washington, Washington)

Yonder comes father Coughlin, wearin' the silver chain,
Cash on his stomach and Hitler on the brain.
(Washington, Washington)

Mister John L. Lewis would sit and straddle a fence,
'Cause his daughter signed with Lindbergh, and we ain't seen her since
(Washington, Washington)

Hitler said to Lindy: "Stall 'em all you can,
We're gonna bomb Pearl Harbor with the help of old Japan."
(Washington, Washington)

Then on a December mornin', the bombs come from Japan,
Wake Island and Pearl Harbor, kill fifteen hundred men.
(Washington, Washington)

Lindy tried to join the army, but they wouldn't let 'im in,
'Fraid he'd sell to Hitler a few more million men.
(Washington, Washington)

So I'm gonna tell you people: If Hitler's gonna be beat,
The common workin' people has got to take the seat
In Washington, Washington.

And I'm gonna tell you workers, 'fore you cash in your checks:
They say "America First," but they mean "America Next!"
In Washington, Washington.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 08:40 am
"The Danger Zone"

Sad and lonely all the time
That's because I've got a worried mind
You know the world is in an uproar
The danger zone is everywhere, everywhere
Just read your paper
And you'll see
Just exactly what keeps worryin' me
Yeah, you'll see the world is in an uproar
The danger zone is everywhere
My love for the world is like always
For the world is a part of me
That's why I'm so afraid
Of the progress that's being made
Toward eternity
Every morning, noon, and night
Finds me hoping that everything's alright
Mm-hmm, the world is in an uproar
The danger zone is everywhere
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 09:01 am
It is interesting to note that the letters b-u-s-h are readily seen in 'Black Shuck'

The Darkness

In a town in the east
The parishioners were visited upon
By a curious beast
And his eyes numbered but one and shone like the sun
And a glance beckoned the immediate loss
Of a cherished one
It was the coming of the

(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) That dog don't give a ****
Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) That dog don't give a ****

Flames licked round the sacred spire
And the congregation's last line of defence
Was engulfed in fire
As the flaming priest stepped into the firing line
On the business end of despair
God, he took his own life
During the coming of the

(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) That dog don't give a ****
Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) That dog don't give a ****

A nimbus of blue light surrounds a crimson paw
As he takes another fatal swipe
At the Blytheburgh Church Door

(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) That dog don't give a ****
Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) That dog don't give a ****
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) That dog don't give a ****
Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) Black Shuck
(Black Shuck) That dog don't give a ****

0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 09:12 am
Children of darkness (Richard Farina)
Now is the time for your loving, dear,
And the time for your company
Now when the light of reason fails
And fires burn on the sea
Now in this age of confusion
I have need for your company.

It's once I was free to go roaming in
The wind of the springtime mind
It's once the clouds I sailed upon
Were sweet as lilac wine
So why are the breezes of summer, dear
Enlaced with a grim design?

And where was the will of my father when
We raised our swords on high?
And where was my mother's wailing when
Our flags were justified?
And where will we take our pleasures when
Our bodies have been denied?

For I am a wild and a lonely child
And the child of an angry man
Now with the high wars raging
I would offer you my hand
For we are the children of darkness
And the prey of a proud, proud land.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 10:34 am
Tol' My Captain

Tol' my captain my hands was cold
Said damn your hands boy, let the wheeling roll

I asked my captain to give me time
Damned old captain wouldn't pay me no mind

I raised my hand to wipe the sweat off my head
Captain got mad, Lord shot my buddy dead

He kept on walkin' up and down
Buddy laying there dead, Lord
On the burning ground

If I'd a had my weight and line
I'd a whipped that captain
Till he went stone blind

If you don't believe my buddy is dead
Just look at that hole in my buddy's head

The buzzard's circlin' round the sky
Know that captain sure is bound to die
Sure is bound to die.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 12:37 pm
The Old Revolution

I finally broke into the prison,
I found my place in the chain.
Even damnation is poisoned with rainbows,
all the brave young men
they're waiting now to see a signal
which some killer will be lighting for pay.
Into this furnace I ask you now to venture,
you whom I cannot betray.

I fought in the old revolution
on the side of the ghost and the King.
Of course I was very young
and I thought that we were winning;
I can't pretend I still feel very much like singing
as they carry the bodies away.

Into this furnace I ask you now to venture...

Lately you've started to stutter
as though you had nothing to say.
To all of my architects let me be traitor.
Now let me say I myself gave the order
to sweep and to search and to destroy.

Into this furnace I ask you now to venture...

Yes, you who are broken by power,
you who are absent all day,
you who are kings for the sake of your children's story,
the hand of your beggar is burdened down with money,
the hand of your lover is clay.

Into this furnace I ask you now to venture...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 01:06 pm
Saigon Bride

Farewell my wistful Saigon bride
I'm going out to stem the tide
A tide that never saw the seas
It flows through jungles, round the trees
Some say it's yellow, some say red
It will not matter when we're dead

How many dead men will it take
To build a dike that will not break?
How many children must we kill
Before we make the waves stand still?

Though miracles come high today
We have the wherewithal to pay
It takes them off the streets you know
To places they would never go alone
It gives them useful trades
The lucky boys are even paid

Men die to build their Pharoah's tombs
And still and still the teeming wombs
How many men to conquer Mars
How many dead to reach the stars?

Farewell my wistful Saigon bride
I'm going out to stem the tide
A tide that never saw the seas
It flows through jungles, round the trees
Some say it's yellow, some say red
It will not matter when we're dead
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 01:09 pm


Om mane padme om
Om mane padme om
Folding the flag means taking care of the nation
Folding the flag is putting it to bed for the night
I fell through a hole in the flag
I'm falling through a hole in the flag

Don't put it down
Best one around
Crazy for the red blue and white
Crazy for the red blue and white

You look at me
What do you see
Crazy for the white red and blue
Crazy for the white red and blue

Cause I look different
You think I'm subversive
Crazy for the blue white and red
Crazy for the blue white and red

My heart beats true
For the red white and blue
Crazy for the blue white and red
Crazy for the blue white and red
And yellow fringe
Crazy for the blue white red and yellow
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 01:11 pm
All Things Must Pass

Sunrise doesn't last all morning,
a cloudburst doesn't last all day.
Seems my love is up
and has left you with no warning.
But it's not always going
to be this grey.

All things must pass,
all things must pass away.

Sunset doesn't last all evening,
a mind can blow those clouds away.
after all this my love is up
and must be leaving.
It has not always
been this grey.

All things must pass,
all things must pass away.

All things must pass
none of life's strings can last.
So I must be on my way
and face another day.

Now the darkness only stays at nighttime,
in the morning it will fade away.
Daylight is good
at arriving at the right time.
It's not always
going to be this grey.

All things must pass,
all things must pass away.
All things must pass,
all things must pass away.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 01:21 pm
I never got to totally listen to the album All Things Must Pass. My brother came to visit the day I bought it. After that the records were gone. About three years later he stopped by and the first thing he did was hand me one of those disks, too scratched and dirty to play. The rest didn't make it that far. It would have done no good to get mad. I drank a beer and visited with him and in less than an hour he slipped away. I hear from him in odd years, though it's been quite a few this go around.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 07:41 pm
My Country 'Tis of thy People You're Dying

Now that your big eyes are finally opened.
Now that you're wondering, "How must they feel?"
Meaning them that you've chased cross America's movie screens;
Now that you're wondering, "How can it be real?"
That the ones you've called colorful, noble and proud
In your school propaganda,
They starve in their splendour.
You asked for our comment, I simply will render:
My country 'tis of thy people you're dying.

Now that the long houses "breed superstition"
You force us to send our children away
To your schools where they're taught to despise their traditions
Forbid them their languages;
Then further say that American history really began
When Columbus set sail out of Europe and stress
That the nations of leeches who conquered this land
Were the biggest, and bravest, and boldest, and best.
And yet where in your history books is the tale
Of the genocide basic to this country's birth?
Of the preachers who lied?
How the Bill of Rights failed?
How a nation of patriots returned to their earth?
And where will it tell of the Liberty Bell
As it rang with a thud over Kinzua mud?
Or of brave Unlce Sam in Alaska this year?
My country 'tis of thy people you're dying.

Hear how the bargain was made for West,
With her shivering children in zero degrees.
" Blankets for your land" - so the treaties attest.
Oh well, blankets for land, that's a bargain indeed.
And the blankets were those Uncle Sam had collected
From smallpox diseased dying soldiers that day.
And the tribes were wiped out
And the history books censored
A hundred years of your statesmen
say, "It's better this way".
But a few of the conquered have somehow survived
And their blood runs the redder
Though genes have been paled.
From the Grand Canyon's caverns
To Craven's sad hills
The wounded, the losers, the robbed sing their tale.
From Los Angeles County to upstate New York,
The white nation fattens while other grow lean.
Oh the tricked and evicted they know what I mean:
My country 'tis of thy people you're dying.

The past it just crumbled; the future just threatens
Our life blood is shut up in your chemical tanks,
And now here you come, bill of sale in your hand
And surprise in your eyes, that we're lacking in thanks
For the blessings of civilisation you brought us
The lessons you've taught us;
The ruin you've wrought us;
Oh see what our trust in America got us.
My country 'tis of thy people you're dying.

Now that the pride of the sires receives charity.
Now that we're harmless and safe behind laws.
Now that my life's to be known as your heritage.
Now that even the graves have been robbed.
Now that our own chosen way is your novelty.
Hands on our hearts
We salute you your victory:
Choke on your blue white and scarlet hypocrisy.
Pitying your blindness; How you never see -
that the eagles of war whose wings lent you glory,
Were never no more than buzzards & crows:
Pushed some wrens from their nest;
Stole their eggs; changed their story.
The mockingbird sings it;
It's all that she knows.
" Oh what can I do?", say a powerless few.
With a lump in your throat and a tear in your eye:
Can't you see how their poverty's profiting you?
My country 'tis of thy people you're dying.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 07:45 pm
All the tired horses in the sun
How'm I supposed to get any ridin' done? Hmm.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 07:54 pm
Vigilante Man

Have you seen that vigilante man?
Have you seen that vigilante man?
Have you seen that vigilante man?
I've been hearin' his name all over this land.

Well, what is a vigilante man?
Oh, what is a vigilante man?
Has he got a gun and a club in his hand?
Oh, what is a vigilante man?

Rainy night down in the engine house,
Sleepin' just as still as a mouse,
A man came along and he chased us out in the rain.
Was that the vigilante man?

Stormy days we passed the time away,
A sleepin' in some good warm place.
A man came in and we give him a little race.
Was that a vigilante man?

Preacher Casey was just a working man,
And he said, "Unite the working man."
He was killed in the river by some strange man.
Was that a vigilante man?

Oh, why does a vigilante man?
Oh, why does a vigilante man?
Carry a sawed-off shot-gun in his hand?
Would he shoot his brother and sister down?

I rambled around from town to town,
I rambled around from town to town,
And they herded us out like a wild herd of cattle.
Was that the vigilante man?

Have you seen that vigilante man?
Have you seen that vigilante man?
Have you seen that vigilante man?
I've been hearin' his name all over this land.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 07:57 pm
Grizzely Bear

Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear

I'm gonna tell you a story 'bout that grizzely bear
I'm gonna tell you a story 'bout that grizzely bear
Oh you better watch out for that grizzely bear
'Cause he's a mean old grizzely, grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear

He come a walkin' and a talkin' that grizzely bear
He come a huffin' and a puffin' that grizzely bear
He come a wobblin' and a swabblin' that grizzely bear
He's a mean old grizzely, grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear

He had long black hair that grizzely bear
He had big blue eyes that grizzely bear
Oh well a tell me who was that grizzely bear
I say the capt'n was the grizzely, grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I shot me a grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh well that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said the capt'n ain't nothin' but a grizzely bear

Oh well my momma was a scared o' that grizzely bear
Oh yes my momma was a scared o' that grizzely bear
Oh well my poppa went a-huntin' for that grizzely bear
Yes my poppa went a-huntin' for that grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh well that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I say that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear

Oh well I ain't a-scared o' that grizzely bear
I tell you I ain't a-scared o' that grizzely bear
Ah now listen while I tell you 'bout that grizzely bear
I said listen while I tell you 'bout that grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said I'm gonna kill that grizzely bear
Oh well that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I say I'm gonna kill that grizzely bear

Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I say that griz griz grizzely grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I say that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear

I'm gonna kill-a that grizzely bear
Oh well a I'm gonna cut that grizzely bear
Oh well-a I'm gonna stomp that grizzely bear
I'm gonna put him in a box that grizzely bear
Yes that grizzely grizzely grizzely bear
He's a mean old grizzely grizzely bear
I'm gonna bite that grizzely grizzely bear
I said a I'm a-gonna kill that grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely grizzely grizzely bear
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 08:02 pm
Song For Sarajevo

There's no where to hide, no where I can go
I reach out my hand touching death itself
just another holy day in Sarejevo

Hiding from the planes and from the bombing
Fire in the sky burning down my life
There is no more love no more longing

I dream of Peace
I dream of flowers on the hill
I dream I see my mother smiling
When I close my eyes I dream of Peace

Once my mother sang to me and held me
Then the fire came falling from the sky
There is no one left who can protect me

Feeding on the dreams of all the children
War's an evil bird flying in the dark
Every holy promise has been broken

I dream of Peace
I dream of flowers on the hill
I dream I see my mother smiling
When I close my eyes I dream of Peace

You are tall and strong and I am just a child.
Can't we live in a peace stop the flowing blood
Make a blessed world where I can be a child.

Do you dream of Peace?
Do you dream of flowers on the hill?
Do you dream you see your mother smiling?
When you close your eyes do you dream of Peace?

You have struggled here in Sarajevo
Courage you have shown to the watching world
We have prayed and wept for Sarajevo

Children dance again in Sarajevo
Now the sun can shine
Now the birds can sing
Let the peace continue, Sarajevo

Do you dream of Peace?
Do you dream of flowers on the hill?
Do you dream you see your mother smiling?
When you close your eyes do you dream of Peace?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 08:14 pm
Cucurrucucu Paloma

Dicen que por las noches
Nomas se le iba en puro llorar,
Dicen que no comia,
Nomas se le iba en puro tomar,
Juran que el mismo cielo
Se estremecia al oir su llanto;
Como sufrio por ella,
Que hasta en su muerte la fue llamando

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay,... cantaba,
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay,... gemia,
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay,... cantaba,
De pasion mortal... moria

Que una paloma triste
Muy de manana le va a cantar,
A la casita sola,Con sus puertitas de par en par,
Juran que esa paloma
No es otra cosa mas que su alma,
Que todavia la espera
A que regrese la desdichada

Cucurrucucu... paloma,
Cucurrucucu... no llores,
Las piedras jamas, paloma
!Que van a saber de amores!
Cucurrucucu... cucurrucucu...
Cucurrucucu... paloma, ya no llores
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 08:18 pm
cucurrucucu (dove)

Dicen that by the nights

one did not go away to him more in pure crying;

they say that it did not eat,

one did not go away to him more in pure taking.

They swear that the same sky

its weeping shook when hearing,

how it suffered by her,

and until in his death it was calling it:

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay sang,

ay, ay, ay, ay, ay moaned,

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay sang,

of mortal passion it died.

That a sad dove

very morning it is going to him to sing

to the single small house

with its puertitas wide;

they swear that that dove

it is not another thing more than its soul,

that still it hopes

to that the unfortunate one returns.

Cucurrucucú dove, cucurrucucú you do not cry.

The stones never, dove,

what are going to know of loves?

Cucurrucucú, cucurrucucú,

cucurrucucú, cucurrucucú,

cucurrucucú, dove, no longer him llores
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 08:21 pm
Across the Universe

Words are flying out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe.
Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my open mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai Guru De Va Om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,
That call me on and on across the universe,
Thoughts meander like a restless wind
Inside a letter box they
Tumble blindly as they make their way
Across the universe
Jai Guru De Va Om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world.
Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing
Through my open views inciting and inviting me.
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns,
It calls me on and on across the universe
Jai Guru De Va Om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world.
0 Replies

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