Foofie wrote:
I say this because the anti-abortion folks tend to say that their position is based on the sanctity of life. That includes a fetus. The focus on what constitutes a human is a separate Venn circle that intersects the Sanctity of Human Life Venn circle. Meaning, not addressing the Sanctity of Life is not logical, assuming the pro-choice folks do subscribe to the Sanctity of Human Life Venn circle. I believe Venn Diagrams explain that one cannot subscribe to the Sanctity of Human Life and not address the Sanctity of all life, in or out of a womb.
So, it seems that the opposing groups are talking at cross purposes, since the pro-choice folks talk about "reproductive rights," and might be ignoring the question of the Sanctity of Life?
To hold true to the "sanctity of all life" you would have to die to fulfill it.
You could be a vegetarian but then what about plant life? What about all the creatures that lived in the forest that was cut down to make farmland?
What about the soap you use to kill bacteria? Dont care about them eh?
Do you let pests over take your home? If you had rats would you do nothing about them? Of how about cockroaches?
I call bullshit any time someone tries to claim "sanctity of life". If you drive a car you kill tons of insects that get sucked into the front of the car or attempt to become part of the windshield.
I have no problem if a person shoots and kills an intruder in their home or tries to carjack or mug them on the street.
I'm against abortion but have no right to insist you can't make that choice for yourself.
I think all drugs should be legal. Your body your choice. Seems to work for alcohol why the inconsistency? Acid has never caused an overdose.
No one seems to protest wars. I guess they are fine with the murdering of foreigners.
The sanctity of life is male cow feces.