According to a standard BMI calculator, you're just barely in the 'overweight' range. As in, at 150 pounds you would be considered 'normal'. See:
BMI is a notoriously bad way of measuring health, though. Are you eating right? Exercising? Can you do the regular activities of life without getting winded, such as lifting a load of laundry and carrying it up a flight of stairs, or walking a couple of blocks or sweeping out or vacuuming two rooms without having to stop and sit down?
And what does your doctor say? Does your doctor say anything about, say, your blood pressure? 'Normal' blood pressure is 120/80. If you're at or lower than that, then that is a sign of health. And it's not a sign of weight, I might add. I weigh a lot more than you do, and the last time my pressure was taken, it was 99/64.
What's adding five pounds? It might be muscle (which weighs more than fat). It might be a small amount of fat around your stomach. Stomach fat can become problematic, so it's not a bad idea to lose it, but not to the point of obsession. Because you want/need to lose so little, it will probably just be a matter of a few small substitutions (say, water for soda, even diet soda, or a salad for french fries) and maybe a little more walking.
You'll be fine. Hell, you already are.