If Earth's atmosphere were composed entirely of Oxygen and Nitrogen and the trace gases were eliminated, how would Earth's globally average temperature respond?
All the frakking plants would die without CO2 and subsequently all the remaining of life on the planet would follow.
Not all life. On the bottom of the sea they have these tubeworms which live off sulfur pouring up from the Earth's core through seafloor vents. They are not dependent on sunlight or photosynthesis at all.
All the frakking plants would die without CO2 and subsequently all the remaining of life on the planet would follow.
Not all life. On the bottom of the sea they have these tubeworms which live off sulfur pouring up from the Earth's core through seafloor vents. They are not dependent on sunlight or photosynthesis at all.
Good catch. Thanks Blickers.
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Mon 6 Mar, 2017 07:39 pm
how silly do i look, i though this thread was about Banking Machines