Sat 23 Oct, 2004 08:44 am
Is "The Customer is Always Right" a dead concept?
Why or why not?
I HATE that concept. I take phonecalls for a living. And I can promise you that 90% of the time the customer is not just wrong, but annoying and deserves to be punished.
The customer is not always right, but if you want him to
buy your products, you'll bite your tongue.
consumer is the basis to which the whole activities of any firm or organization are made and no consumer = no organization
beside consumer is the most important part of the feed back process
then if you are asking about the logic then the logic says that nobody can always be right but if you are asking about it from busines point of view this means you should treat every complain and need from customers seriously and make him feel you are interested.
but of course this shouldn't lead you to insult the workers in front of customer or to make your customer feels you are weak against him because this is against modern management rules i guess
and actually recent management is taking the customer very seriously like TQM and ISO9000 so i think this conception is 90%right unless you are a police officer where customer is always wrong or customer is always suspected