Thu 16 Feb, 2017 03:18 pm
What is the word for when we listen to a song and mishear the lyrics, yet the result still makes sense? For example there was a song about a fat girl that went: "Wheezy Anna" and I took it to be "Greasy Anna". Sorry I can't come up with a better example at this time, but I hope you get the idea.
as a kid i always wondered about the "dawning of the angels aquarium" in that song from Hair
I've often wondered how one "revved up like a douche"
There's a bathroom on the right
"The girl with colitis goes by"
Gail Bennington of the Bennington Show always heard this in Toto's song
"I guess it rains down in Africa"
djjd62 wrote:
Gail Bennington of the Bennington Show always heard this in Toto's song
"I guess it rains down in Africa"
Hold on now, that's NOT the lyric?
I like it when Randy does mondegreen programs on Vinyl Tap.
There was a terrific columnist at the San Francisco Chronicle that used to do mondegreens fairly often. Oh, man, I miss that paper (paywall now). The fellow retired recently, sigh. I read him for years: Jon Carroll.
Thank you, Region Philbis, for the fast reply. Your "Mondegreen" took me to "Eggcorn", that was the word I had forgotten. Both kinds of mishearing happen!
Thanks to all the other posters, too.
you're quite welcome, pictor...
Looking back through an old-timer's memory mist I can see my two very best acquaintances forlornly sprawled.
"They've killed the Earl o' Moray and Lady Mondegreen", I screamed at no-one at all.
A quick check for weapons revealed none nearby oronym.