Sure. They don't like ground cinnamon. If you sprinkle it across their trails and gathering places, they will go away. Doesn't smell bad, either. Now, if you're looking for a good body count, you won't get it with cinnamon.
I have had good luck with Terro, I think any of the normal products you can get at your local hardware store work just fine.
I don't know why people think adjectives like "herbal" or "alternative" are so magical. The reason that these "alternative" treatments are "alternative" is because they don't work so well.
I recommend ant baits. You can find them in any grocery store. They are very small. You don't have to spray any chemicals. They will not only kill the ants you see, they will also kill the ants you don't see. It kills the entire colony of ants. It will probably take a week before you notice that you haven't seen any more ants. Afterwards the nonexistence of ants will last several months. When and if you see ants again several months later, just buy new ant baits. Then you will be ant free for several months again.
Yeah, but then you've got to get rid of the ant eaters. That, or keep them. If you keep them, you've got to feed them, and that means capturing a bunch of ants and bringing them into the house. Isn't ecology just special?
i prefer not to breathe pesticides ...u might ...not me. I have heard that cinnamon oil does deter any case thanks for the heads up on Terra.
Borax (the active ingredient in ant killers) is harmless to humans. My kids use it as part of science experiments and many people have a box of the stuff in their laundry room. And it occurs naturally, you can find it in some lake beds.
The commercial ant killers just put the borax in a sweet gel that ants like and won't go bad. You could just as easily buy your own borax and mix it with some sugary substance the ants will like. The only reason to buy the commercial brands is convenience.
Commercial ant baits are just as natural as cinnamon oil... and just as harmful to humans. The only difference is that the commercial ant baits will get rid of ants.
0 Replies
Fri 10 Feb, 2017 02:34 pm
I'm a relatively allergic type person, at least when first tested, something like 64 of the tests came out very positive. On the other hand, while I'm still allergic to cats (which I plain old love) even after quite long treatment with shots, I'm fine and dandy about dogs, thank the goddess. However, even tiny ant bites can ruin a day, and don't get me started about horse flies.
So far so good in the house. I know several common remedies re ants showing up in the kitchen, and if worse comes to worse (it hasn't), have varied sprays ready under the sink. I'm more afraid of the black widows, gah, but those episodes were a few years ago now. Am more grossed out by the odd cockroach than the little ants.
Out in the yard, I've one ant colony that worries me some - they are bigger black ants. At this point I have just let them be as it's still only one colony, and I've heard that if you disturb it, you'll soon have more colonies. I gather the trick is to kill the queen, if I could find her. Or, call a professional exterminator, but I've other stuff to spend my income on. Also, none of them have bitten me yet, going on ten years. I wouldn't mind opinions though, pro or con re trying to get rid of it. I'm not actually anti-ant life.