I see I messed up the word.
I am still interested.
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Tue 24 Jan, 2017 10:05 pm
Just found out about them. Apparently an ancient Catholic order devoted to good deeds, especially medical. Turns out they were distributing condoms, the Cardinal who is in linked to the order removed the head of the Order for doing that, and now Pope Francis is investigating what happened.
It seems to indicate that Pope Francis thinks distributing condoms is not that bad of a thing, even if the church teaches against it.
I think I remember that there was a building, or set of buildings, at the top of the Aventine Hill in Rome, that had something to do with the Knights of Malta. The Aventine is one of my favorite areas of Rome. I can almost visualize the building, but I forget the history about it.
Thanks, that did help. It even says the name of the building I remember in the Aventine, the Magistral Villa, or by its other name, the Villa del Priorato di Malta.
Now I'll read up on recent happenings re the Knights and Pope Francis.