Quote: You only have to look at this a little bit to realize how stupid it
really is.
You are starting out with apes ten million years ago, in a world of fang and claw with 1000+ lb. carnivores running amok all over the place, and trying to evolve your way towards a more refined creature in modern man.
What's wrong with that?
I rest my case about what Ive been saying re:the state of gungas abilities to do abstract scientific reasoning and understand things like EVIDENCE.
RIGHT Here he delivers a passionate(lbeit completely wacky) explanation in a fashion that only gunga could compose and make it sound like he "believed" what he wrote.(If hes just jqcking around I say that he should apply for a role in the upcoming redux of the BEverly Hillbillies where he could convincingly play a country sachem )
We should know, in being honest about evolution and the theory of naturl selection, Darwin made a couple of major blunders in his theory. He really never understood how a "Favorable event" in which a beneficial trait was acquired by an individual and would be "FIXED" by some internal dingus that controlled and passed on this trait. HE never knew anything about genetics or how the math worked.
According to Darwin, a trait would be "Diluted down" by successive generations of breeding so it sorta had to be "Redesigned each or every few generations". Darwin felt there was a "force" that compells the acquisition of traits to be accomplished and therefore to "Be preserved".For some reason we forgive him of that and seem to mis the implications of his "Brilliant Blunder"
He also had an incomplete understanding of things like "endemisms"(geogrphically unique species) or "allopatry" or "convergent or divergent evolution">
YESSIR Darwin missed a lot and messed up a lot of his conclusions. BUT, his basic facts are all correct. Those observations he made and reconstructed from field to "lqb", were some genius.
However, gunga and his crowd have been arguing against Darwin based on stuff that DArwin never ever had an inkling about and theyve missed the obvious.
To me, thats telling. Because a firmer understanding of what Darwin said and what weve derived and furthered in over 150 yrs of research merely confers the overall MECHANISM by which Darwins theory actually works.
AND as Ive said many times before. His theory is evidenced by supportive facts every day and(more importntly), NO FACTS OR EVIDENCE has been found that refute the theory.
Ive said over and over that
"The only way to prove a theory, is to not disprove it" and there are more scientists out there who are trying to tar bricks out of the theory (in order to make it a better theory or find its Achilles tendon)
Really good scientists are out their working their asses off understanding the mechanisms of evolution and an organisms development. WHY???? ,BECAUSE much of these genetic mechanisms of natural selection have , in the last 30 years, been decoded down to the molecular level , and this information is playing a driving role in how things like CANCER and CARDIAC research are coming up with entirely new generations of treatments to most diseases).
In other words, Evolution is very bIG BUSINESS, its not some bunch of religious nutters sitting around trying to debate whether some cartoon of a "Dinosaur" is considered evidence of that dinosaurs existence during the life time of that Indian artist, thus serving as a "model" for his art.