Ive never seen this on but appqrently it too has been debunked by the same paleontologists that were associated with the UNC teams that discovered and analyzed the "soft" T-rex tissue.
Quote: "Dinosaur" petroglyphs at Kachina Bridge site, Natural Bridges National Monument, southeastern Utah: not dinosaurs after all
Phil Senter and Sally J. Cole
Among the many images made by prehistoric people on the walls of Kachina Bridge is what appears to be an unambiguous depiction of a sauropod dinosaur, herein called Dinosaur 1. Because mainstream science has produced no alternate explanation for Dinosaur 1, it has become an important weapon in the arsenal of the anti-evolution movement. The movement's proponents claim that it demonstrates the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs, thus casting doubt on the geological time scale of millions of years. Until now that claim has gone unchallenged. The hypothesis that a given petroglyph depicts a dinosaur predicts that the image is not a composite; depicts an animal; has features that cannot be reconciled with non-dinosaurian local fauna; has features of a specific, identifiable dinosaur; and is entirely human-made. These predictions were tested for Dinosaur 1 and three other alleged dinosaur petroglyphs at Kachina Bridge by on-site visual examination under varying light conditions. Examination reveals that the "neck" and "back" of Dinosaur 1 are a composite of two separate petroglyphs, and its "legs" are a natural mud or mineral stain. A second alleged sauropod petroglyph is a mere mud stain. The other two alleged dinosaur petroglyphs are human-made, but neither depicts an animal. The four Kachina Bridge "dinosaurs" are illusions produced by pareidolia. None of them satisfy the predictions of the hypothesis that a dinosaur is depicted. Dinosaur 1—heretofore a creationist poster child—and its counterparts now join the plethora of discredited "evidence" for the ancient coexistence of humans and dinosaurs.
Phil Senter. Department of Natural Sciences, Fayetteville State University, 1200 Murchison Road, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301, USA
Sally Cole, archaeological consultant and author, Dolores, Colorado, USA
Lets say that this pwtroglyph IS as you say it is (and not a paredoilia example). Where are the dinosaurs and evidence of the same. There are no fossils ANYWHERE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, that are of true dinosaurs, that can be seen in ANY sediments later than the Terminal Maastrichtian (very top of the Cretaceous) , There are NO dinosaur FOSSILs that , similRLY, that can be found in the basal Paleocene aged rocks.
This is a scientific fact. Qll the dating techniques coalesce qround a "good-bye" date for all dinosaurs no more recent than 65 million years(+/- )0.0002.MM). That pretty damned good repeatablity.
Youve presented two dubious petroglyphs
1. A Native American petroglyph that is supposed to be a stegosaurus (with very small serrations on its back, and the hed of a DEER (gunga failed to show that this petroglyph clearly shows ANTLERS). I ont know of ANY stegosauri fossils that looked like Rudolph)
2 A dubious petroglyph that has been examined by a paleontologist and an archaeologist that have published an investigation on the nature of this one qnd found it to be pretty much one or two snake carvings with drip mark "legs" and other natural features derived from erosion and water drips.
Ive seen the one in Minnesota and its , to me, its all imagination. Hence the Mishipishu account that Setanta first clipped. The Par Service agrees with Set. Theyve been kinda maintaining their senses of humor about this one because it a "cause celebre" of the Creationism Crowd. They have a back story and a whole scenario that involves a GREAT FLOOD (another evidence-free occurence). SO , like Mkele Mbembi, We can only wait till non-cartoon evidence shows up. (Otherwise the Creationists will start using Alley Oop or BC comic strips as evidence of their belief)
Id like to go see the Utah "Apatosaur" glyph to satisfy my first hand account need. I recall, from several trips out to Utah, the Morrison Formation, is an ancient Jurrasic "seaside Formation" Lots of sauropod tracks and fossils exist. Could the Anasazi found a fossil and created cartoon? Or is it as Senter nd Cole state?
I hardly think that contemporary "dinosaurs" existed, except in the minds of Creationists