@Voice asMusic,
Voice asMusic wrote:
The forum is supposed to be about supporting bernie sanders but has been taken over by the trump borg.
How have you determined this given your very limited (and very anecdotal) exposure to this forum? You've only been a member for ... less than a single day.
This forum is an international online forum. Despite your brief experience, we have peeps from Australia, England, Canada, China, many countries in between who have absolutely no interest in Trump, Bernie Sanders, or US politics. This isn't a single issue politics only forum. So, please don't make weird assumptions like that.
Personally, if you defending your personal and political opinions by linking to other online discussion forums? You lost your chance at winning/persuading anyone to your worldview. Unless, you are directly linking to the Harvard University/Illuminati secret forum (where everyone has five doctorates and by the laws of the universe never never never wrong about anything).
Full disclosure:
I am a Bernie Bronie (or whatever best describes being a slavish follower of the Progressive Sanders cult).