Thu 19 Jan, 2017 09:56 pm
Is it correct to say "God, manifest yourself in my life so that I can feel your presence at all times."?
My daughter asked me if the sentence is correct. What she would like to say is that she wants God to be with/within her, looking after her and protecting her from harm and danger at all times. She always wants to feel God's presence. If it is not correct, how should she word it?
It sounds fine. I know this is not exactly what you are asking, but I don't think God would reject prayers that were not grammatically perfect. Also, her prayer just asks God to manifest himself so that she can feel him, it doesn't say anything about the protection from danger or the other things you included in your explanation. If she wants God to do those things, why doesn't she include them in her prayer? (Of course , he will understand that's what she means anyway, but the prayer is for the benefit of the person praying and it is good to be explicit therefore.)
Quote:don't think God would reject prayers that were not grammatically perfect
Wow! Cen, this'n doesn't sound like you at all. Does your relig have a name
dalehileman wrote:
Quote:don't think God would reject prayers that were not grammatically perfect
Wow! Cen, this'n doesn't sound like you at all. Does your relig have a name
I am an atheist, who was formerly a Christian.
I see, Cen; then you were probly kidding
Strange I kinda went the other way. When kid, atheist; in later yrs agnostic; but now apodictical existential pantheist
dalehileman wrote:I see, Cen; then you were probly kidding
No, I was perfectly serious, and not intending to mock faith either.
Cen, not about ur conversion but note regarding postings She won't read in #...793, a bit unconventional to say the least
Not that ur not entitled