Thu 19 Jan, 2017 11:10 am
I have read many facts about Hemp for pets, ans is also easily available online and offline. As hemp has no-side effects, so it is good to use hemp for pets. But I want to know How Hemp is useful and under what cases, is it suggested to give hemp for pets?
That was interesting, Jes.
Hemp is good for humans too. Hemp hearts are delicious.
chai2 wrote:
Hemp hearts are delicious.
This sounds really death metal brutal.
All those little screams. Some trying to cling to the bottom of your salad bowl.
What a rush.
Can't help but notice that all success stories in the article are anecdotal, with a total of exactly zero controlled studies of any kind. On a personal note, I was raised in northeast Kansas, where refugees from nineteenth-century hemp plantations grow wild in every bottom pasture and roadside ditch bank. Why does it grow so thickly? Simple: critters won't eat it! Unless humans go out and cut it out of the pastures, it will completely take over as a noxious weed. The fact that animals walk away from it tells me it may not be all that healthy. On another personal note, I don't have a clue how people stand the smell of the stinkin' crap!
I don't know, am listening to the earlier comments, and yours.
CowDoc wrote:
On another personal note, I don't have a clue how people stand the smell of the stinkin' crap!
I've never smelled it wild, but once it's been packged, there no bad smell. The hearts taste similar to pine nuts.