Cyanure wrote:Quote:I don't think it works on a2k!
Nope! It will work. Just paste the URL address and post your reply and your IP will be the one given by anonymouse and not your real IP.
The only place where it will not work is e-mails. But there is a solution for that also :wink:
By "work on a2k" they might mean successfully disguise themselves.
Proxy servers are routinely used for nefarious purposes (for example, referrer log spamming), and are routinely blocked here.
So as long as they haven't been misused they may work here (as in function to load pages, not necessarily to mask a duplicate account), but do note that most do not provide true anonymity.
First of all, most proxies add "forwarded for" headers with the real IP.
If the question is whether a proxy server can access A2K it depends on whether the proxy server has been used for nefarious purposes. If the question is whether it can successfully be used to circumvent our security it's not usually the case.