I rather disagree with some of the premises of the objection.
I don't see a safety issue. Workers catcalling from a construction site, does not mean:
- those same men stalking you because your boyfriend got up them. If they were that way inclined, they would be already doing that.
- they would damage your property because your boyfriend got upset with them (maybe your boyfriends car, but even that'd be a stretch)
Both of those are a very far stretch. The most likely outcome, by far, of what he did, was that they would just leave you alone.
What I would be upset about is:
- him disregarding your discomfort with him approaching them
- the incredibly poor way in which he handled it...which
could lead to some retaliation (rather unlikely, but if it did, it'd be against him in some way)
- the deceitful way he posted on facebook (he minimised his handling of it, while leaving out information about why you were pissed)
- the problems he caused between you and his family
These sort of people make for stormy relationships