if you were a sabre toothed tiger with rabies and bit into a whale, maybe the virus would take, I recall when I worked for the State of Pa as a field environmental scientist, we hadda take a bunch of cats to the epidemiology and chem labs to be tested for rabies. The cats were caught using nets. It took me and two state cops whod had training in that area. We had these huge stiff muslin bags and really thick gloves .
We caught two cats and got them into the bags and took em to the state labs in Enola (i think it was Enola). The cats were securely caged and kept quarantine .They died in a few days and the presumption was immediate that they were rabid so, hving them die and doing the confirmatory negri body staining of brain tissue was kinda icing .
We hd the cops quarantine the entire neighborhood and all cats that were outside were rounded up or shot (The ones acting really weird were shot by tranking them and then hitting them with a Lethane
dose. It was a big do because about 15 or so cats and 2 dogs were rabid and this was a rural poor village in the Wxxxx Mountains of S C Pa where people would live in big camps of " travellers and hoboes" and what we now call Homeless.
We had nurses and PHS dox up there looking for people who were possibly bitten.
These people were hermit-like an didnt want anything to do with the "Laws". many were old Korean War and Viet Nam vets who were one step away from commiting suicide when they lived on the streets. At least these woods gave em a sense of peace and community.
It was a strange long story and I had to write reports on these big yellow "form tablets" each with a unique numbering system. Nowadays they dictate em on their phones and the reports are inserted via barcodes
I must hqve spent a couple months in the spring and summer of that year on this epidemiological investigation and treatment. We did some real good work and noone died (even thiugh two old guys were bitten by their pet cats (the cats just then disappered and we hadda assume they were rabid so these guys got the old shots to the stomach) and after it was all over, I got severely reamed out by my regional Supervisor who didnt like me and a few others who had aspirations beyond working as field environmental scientists and engineers. (This guy a retired WWII Army lite col in the medical corps (Who was nearing his own retirement in 1973).He was a "lifer" who spent most of his day in some useless job of supervision and paper shuffling. He chewed me out and put me on report for not keeping my state car mileage reports up to date and having it a "disgrace to the profession ". I was working 16 hour days driving from my apartment to the field site very day and trying to keep these people from getting a deadly disease and working with real pros in epidemiology. I worked hard and learned a lot from really dedicated medicalfolks.
The Secy of Health came out and gve us awards and I was singled out and a joke was made by the secy of the Health Dept and Environmental Resources at my presentation about how I "really have to keep my mileage logs up to date better so "your supervisor doesnt have a heart attack".
My supervisor retired(kind of in a bit of disgrace for not better supporting me an my cobbled "team" , hell I was barely 23 qnd I stepped into a huge project that most people didnt see in their whole careers. It was a a project that I was able to get finished by Halloween of that year and I then went to grad school for chemistry the very next semester when I was accepted with a full boat fellowship. (My college grades were only like a 3.0 because I was into so many things but my GREs were super and my history of jobs (like the rabies case) successfully completed was already used as a selection process at the Ivys.
My dealing with rabies was actually a damn high point of my young professional life, that I wouldnt be topping for a number of years (till the 1980's)
I actually developed a better stain for Negri bodies based upon a ninhydrine /Cr and Zn S adsorption reaction. using my stain (which never went anywhere) the negri bodies just "LIT UP" under UV, unlike the old gentian and bomthymol. Couldnt miss the damn things. Cause if you just had ONE, you were sporting nascent rabies and you were pretty much dead meat.(I think in the entire history of rabies infections of humans, there hqve only been like 3 cases of people recovering after symptoms appeared).