Hey guys, my story on tracking down music.....
I'm a bit of a list maker and on my list of wants since 1978 was an album called Colossus by Australia's answer to Tangerine Dream at the time, Cybotron.
I'd bought their first album (thanks to Double Jay) and picked up their third in a record fair. I actually heard a track played on the aforesaid mentioned double jay and it sounded great but I was poor so it went on my list. But it was on an independent label and soon disappeared.
But it was still on my list. 15 years later they invented the web so occasionally I'd see if it was out there. Bizarrely, another band called Cybotron (rap) released an album called colossus and set my heart palpitating.
In the late 1990s I found
http://www.gemm.com/ absolutely recommended for lost albums (I've tracked a few through it) but only the rap Cybotron existed.
Then in early 2004 I did another search of google and found a guy who was releasing Cybotron's old vinyl on CD. I started writing to him to make sure he was legit (he had permission from the band's creative force, Steve Von Braund) and I ordered in March and got it in early April.
How's that for a 26 year odyssey?
Now I ponder on why I can't be that dogged on anything that matters....