I can remember back in the day when all females had to cover their heads when going to Mass. Well, not babies of course.
Come to to think of it, I it was any time a female was inside a RC church. I don't know if this would same for RC females when going into a church of another religion.
I just looked it up, and the closest I could find as to when that requirement stopped was "sometime in th 1970's". Apparently in some kind of updated RC mandate in 1983 it just wasn't included.
What I can remember is that I hated it. Those mantillas always felt like they were sliding around on your head, no matter how well you pinned it. They were hot in the summer and anyway there was always the last minute scramble to find the stupid thing while your mother was yelling "hurry up and get in the car dammit, we're late for church"
The day after it was declared we didn't have to wear them, you'd maybe see 2 or 3 really old ladies still showing up with them.
Apparently there's something of a resurgence of wearing them?
Oh sure, you it's all meaningful and sh!t when you're doing it under the guise of religion when it's really just nostalgia. If you forget your veil or hat now, you can still go into the church. Back in the day if you didn't have a veil you had to find something to put on your head or you couldn't go in. Which made for some interesting head coverings.
I think if that rule was still in place and for some reason I had to go inside a RC church, I'd go in my glove compartment and pull out my tire gauge and balance on my head. Or maybe the knee pads I wear to yoga. I wouldn't use the yoga mat rolled up in the back of the car though. That would be too obviousness