Blickers wrote:
That's what asmitha wants to do and I think she should be encouraged, not made the target of snide jokes.
I can't even read through any more of your obsessive ramblings that basically boils down to the fact that you don't think what I, and some others have posted was "nice".
I very clearly gave my response to all your complaints before......Tough.
You and someone else gave her serious answers in your opinion. So great. What the hell else do you want?
You don't like what I'm saying right now.....Tough.
What the f*ck do you want exactly? You don't like what I said. Aknowledged.
Anything else?
Besides, I don't think you've ever even spoken to anyone for whom you're adovocating, or if you have, you treated them like you have here. Like they are just some word, putting each person in the same pigeon hole.
Christ almighty blickers. A few hours ago I was swimming for an hour with a couple of guys who haven't lived in a house for a long time. I've known them for years. They aren't "the homeless". They are Mike and Joe. Mike will tell you right now he's half nuts. I like him emmensely, and he likes me. Joe is a curmudgeon and like to act like he doesn't like anyone. Mike teases him constantly that he's going to "take Joe's bench". That's the bench that Joe sits on almost every day, reading history books, especially about ancient Rome, and anything about international politics he can get his hands on. He will debate you to the death on any subject you care to bring up. But, if Mike ever sees anyone heading towards that bench when Joe isn't there, Mike will fend them by putting some of his belongings on it, because "That's Joe's bench." Joe doesn't like me anymore because last year he had a seizure, and I was the only one who saw him start to go down. It created quite a commotion once I got the lifeguards attention. Joe swears up and down he did no such thing as have a seizure. It was only last week I started to get back into his good graces, because he included me in an argument about Trump and abortion. If he has another seizure, I'll make another commotion.
Because of the hour of the day, a lot more people, a dozen or more, were coming and going. Enough people walking back to use the shower facility and then leaving to know that this was their source for baths. I knew 1/2 of them by sight, and half of that number by name. Some don't have jobs, some do. The one's that do have jobs or at least day labor bring their tools and **** into the shower with them.
All these people, dozens and dozens that come and go all day long are self policing. They have a really good deal having a pool to swim in, facilities to bathe, and most patrons of the pool that don't treat them like a word, and that they are all alike.
The ones who do bitch are people who show up for a swim every once in a while, and aren't regulars. Like they think they're going to catch some disease by looking at some guy who's minding his own beeswax, sitting in his car listening to the radio, or hanging out under the trees, right along with everyone else. Just like they are people or something, and not "the homeless"
Each person has their own story. Many are happy, some are depressed. Some have health problems, some don't. If someone shows up acting wrong in any way, they are told they better move on until they can act right, and not screw things up for everybody.
I've worked at a homeless shelter downtown when they were doing some needed renovations. For 2 months I got to know everyone who came through the place because I was the one handing them towels and soap, when they had to take their showers down in the parking garage, where they had set up temporary facilities. It was cold, got smoke filled, and I didn't much like it. So what, someone had to do it. I did it though because there was security staff all around, and I was safe. Wouldn't have done it otherwise.
You kind of get to know someone when you've just handed them a bar of soap and a towel, and he's standing around with his shirt half off, despite the cold.
There's another guy that hangs out a few blocks from me. I've seen him around for 10 years or more, and I still don't know his name, nor has he ever spoken a word that I could hear. But, I feel really priviledged because I'm apparantly one of the few people that he will half raise his hand to in greeting when I walk or drive by. He usually turns away from people who try to even say hi. You know why he gives me that half hand? Because I basically left him the f*ck alone, throwing a "hi" or my own half raised hand to him whenever I walked by, with no expectations of anything on his part. He's a traveler, never standing him in one place more than a minute. Just a couple times since he's been acknowledging me I've been able to get him to stay in one place (relatively) by saying "I'm going to get a cup of coffee, want one?" Then I do just that, going into the Starbucks, and just handing him a grande with some sugar packets. I don't even wait to see what he does with it.
I don't know his story. I'm curious, but not enough to disrespect him. It seems he's got some type of place, his clothes change with the seasons. He actually dresses with incredible flair. He's just the type that can carry anything off.
I wasn't going to talk about any of this, and I'm sure not going to share any more just to prove to you I know anything about the subject. Obviously my stories are anecdotal.
But Blickers, you seriously need to take the stick out of your ass, and clean your ears with it, because you just keep making **** up as you go along. Now you've switched, God knows why, to quoting and giving your armchair quarterback pronouncements. You must have spent a significant amount of time going back an analyzing all this. But hey, that your business. I'm going to get a coffee, want one?
I don't care if you don't like what I had, or have to say.
You're not any better or worse than any other person on this thread, and you can say whatever you want, regardless of how wrongheaded, naive and just plain dumb I think you're being.
You, and another I won't mention, don't have the priviledge of telling me, or anyone, what I, or they, "should" do or say. Police yourself. That's enough of a job.
Now come on back and tell me how I'm just talking about my own personal experiences. I pretty much can assume you haven't read that I've beaten to the chase by acknowlegding that. Just like you're convinced for some idiotic reason that I said people without a home only have slight problems, and have busy social calendars.