babs - Never click on "unsubscribe" or "remove" in a spam e-mail. Spam is often sent blindly to random e-mail addresses or to e-mail addresses purchased by spammers. Clicking on their e-mail or sending them an e-mail lets them know for sure that you are there and that your e-mail address is active. It will then be sold to other spammers. Some advise not to even open an e-mail from a spammer, see below.
"Do not subscribe to newsletters from a website you don't trust.
NEVER and I repeat NEVER unsubscribe from SPAM. (If you do, you have just verified that they have a valid e-mail address. Which means they can sell your name to another SPAMMER)
You should never click an unsubscribe link in spam. Doing so may give your email address to another spammer who never had your email address before. Once the new spammer gets your email address, they will start sending you more spam.
Actually, you shouldn't even open a spam if you can avoid it. About 15% of spams contain virus-like code known as a WebBug that can help spammers track your email address.
Opening or even previewing a spam can be enough to trigger these WebBugs, and that usually results in more spam. "
Other Tips for Reducing Spam and Unwanted Emails
"Here are a few other tips to reduce spam email:
Never "forward" or "reply" to spam email. Every time you reply you validate your email address and will be added to more spam email lists.
Never "Unsubscribe" to spam email. Everytime you do this you are adding yourself to even more spam lists.
Just delete the spam email without reading it. You can usually tell spam from the To address and/or the Subject.
4) Set up a filter to automatically delete known spam using your Outlook or Outlook Express "organize" feature.
5) Never give out your email address while on-line to gain access to a website, or for any other reason, unless you trust the source.
6) Never allow your email address to be included in "group" emails where everyone in the group can see you email address. If you see your name in a long known group list, email the sender to remove you at once.
Remember that
spammers use tricks to send you their email.
They will entice you "Unsubscribe" or "reply". They will send you email that is actually addressed to others and Blind Carbon Copied (BCC) to you. They will make the spam email look like it came from someone else. You can not always trust the "From" address.
Spammers target their victims by collecting random email addresses from several sources. Likely sources are from email you sent to unknown sources, email you received from others as part of a group or list, and from forward emails that did not have your email address removed first. Other sources are from completing on-line forms and registering for FREE stuff on the internet, including daily joke and picture email lists. Anytime you give out your email address you are increasing the risk of receiving more spam. BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN GIVING OUT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS TO UNKNOWN SOURCES."