Sun 13 Nov, 2016 09:32 am
Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton gave a concession speech at about 12.40am this morning (Singapore time) at the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan.
Can am be used with morning? I think it is redundant. Am I correct?
InfraBlue wrote:Yes, it's redundant.
Redundant, superfluous and inelegant. I saw something worse on a notice in a (British) mall car park which said "These gates are locked from 23:00 PM to 08:00 AM".
Thanks, contrex.
Can you tell me why the sentence below is redundant? Thanks.
"These gates are locked from 23:00 PM to 08:00 AM".
23:00 PM to 08:00 AM".
I don't know why I didn't notice the redundancy at first. Now I realise PM and AM are indeed redundant.