From my reading, a lot of italian students or former students can't find jobs. Culturally, many stayed with parents until they married or had work or school in other provinces, but lately, the jobs are hard to find in Italy. This is from earlier reading; I'm not sure what is happening there right this month, and I figure it differs regionally.
I had to get a job, back in the day. I had near full time or full time jobs from the day I turned sixteen, a junior in high school, as my father's income fell apart (long story) and my mother got a job as a clerk, so we needed what I earned to sustain us. I was lucky in that I'm so old now that back in my time, the University of California had no tuition. Things are different now.
The jobs, back then all in hospitals or m.d.'s offices, carried me away from being a shy violet to getting interested in other people and actually talking to them, sometimes a lot. That all helped me grow up.. to the extent I am. Not so long after that, I had to sell their house to pay for my mother's care.
So, I'll echo other posters - think about what you want. You have a cushion with your parents being able to help. There are benefits to either choice, a cushion, or learning to make it on your own.