That's why I appreciate all the takes on it.
In ehBeths case, you can take the maybe road of returning the favor of passive aggressiveness. "oh what a Lovely Gift!" Really schmaltz it up, and watch MIL fume over her game gone awry.
If you're really vindictive, at future gatherings of family and friends you can blurut out "Oh! I forgot! I need to tell everyone about the great pair of pj's Edie got me for Christmas!. What a great gift!.
I wouldn't go that far, but it's fun to think about.
With jes, you can just shrug your shoulders, think "It all goes to the same place" and not think on it any further. Although honestly, I'd probably give the robe or pj's to Goodwill, so I wouldn't think about it whenever I saw them.
DrewDad, my mothers passive agressive personality tried to span across the near 2000 miles separating us. When husband and I went to my fathers funeral, she cornered him at one point so she could whine to him how she "just didn't undertaaaaaaand" why chai kept herself aloof to her and others in the family, and didn't he agree that she was hard to get along, God knows why, and couldn't he get her to just get along?
He and I had a good laugh later over that one, and the response he gave her.
tsar, I live your approach. Nothing like pointing out the elephant in the room, or that the Emperors naked, to liven up the party.