There's HOW many carbs in that!?

Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2016 12:25 am
You seem to be doing all your homework and I'm sure you'll figure it all out. I read somewhere (and you probably know all about this) that dietary fiber and roughage acts as a buffer to the absorption of sugars in the digestive tract. So that a given amount of sugar will enter your bloodstream much slower (and not cause the spike in blood sugar and the subsequent production of insulin) when accompanied by a large amount of fiber and/or roughage.
I've adjusted my own diet about a year ago to include large amounts of fiber and find I don't have bouts of extreme sleepiness after meals anymore. Some of them got pretty bad and amounted to me passing out. 2 Cents
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2016 12:56 am
Thanks Sturgis and Tom Tom.

Yeah Sturgis, thank goodness I've basically kept myself up as far as exercise and decent diet most of the time. Otherwise, I'd have ended up like some of my immediate relatives

To be honest, I'm the only one of my parents, and the 5 kids they had, that takes a pro-active approach to not just health, but being the master of their own lives. If something was wrong it was either "fate, or God's will" or completely putting their trust in the doctor, because as we all know, a doctor is a stand in for God, and knows everything.

My mother developed diabetes, eventually had one leg removed, and was in the hospital waiting to get strong enough so they could go in and amputate the other leg.

No....freaking.....way.....am I taking that route....ever. Knowing her personality, she just rolled over and made herself believe there was just nothing to be done.

Funny, she would get mad at me as a kid for either "asking too many questions" or as she would complain "being too damn independent." I'm 58 now, and I still fail to see how either of these things are a negative.

Tom Tom, oh yeah about the fiber, I've also eaten a lot. Not because I have to, I want to.

Part of the reason my morning reading got high, and I'm completely accountable for this, is that for many years I was under a lot of stress due to my husbands health, and it's only recently I've come to terms with a lot of things, and am accepting. But, as we all know, stress does a lot of damage.

Ok, I'll start a new post now, because I'd like to keep my ramblings in at least some sort of order.

Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2016 02:20 am
So, as already said, I thought what I was reading about that a low carb diet being 250 grams a day was off the charts stupid. From the start I was keeping at 150ish a day or so.

But, overall, I just wasn't satisfied with something. Now, to some/many it might seem like me charting everthing seems overkill and complicated, but it really wasn't/isn't. It definately mades things easier.

This something was that, as I said somewhere in a previous post, I was just keeping the flame of craving/semi craving certain foods alive. Carbs, sugar, whatever you want to call them, they are an addictive substance. I truly believe, especially now, that when someone says "well I'll just have this piece of cake because it's a special occassion, much of the reason you want it is mental, and because you already have just a little too much carbs floating in your system, and your bodies saying "give me more!" For someone who eats sugar and refined carbs on a regular basis, it's not even a choice, you just do it.

I don't want to sound like a know it all. I think it's something we all realize.

I wasn't unhappy restricting carbs to around 150, I just knew though I could be so much better. I mean better as a person. Being more optimum is that makes sense.

So, doing more research, and something I never would have considered, but that started making more sense to me, was going keto.

Now, if I had been restricted to reading, or watching videos of those body builder types, I would have barfed and thought they were well, not crazy, but not anyone I'd want to be like.

But, I started watching some vids of some women, normal everyday types, that more than anything, just seemed so healthy and glowing and well, "there" as far as being present. They weren't these stick thin women that looked like they were just wishing they could eat something "normal". They had healthy skin, where healthily slender, not thin. Their looks weren't forced by something outside of doing what was natural. They looked like a version of, quite frankly, me. What I could be, and what I used to be before all of the stress coritsol.

That's what was interesting. There was no "eat this, do this, you'll be a size 6". It was "this is how your body functions." They spoke of corisol, hormones, brain functions, organs, chemistry, and above all....FAT.

Not fat as in "You have to lose it."


Fat in as you need it. You need to eat it, eat more than you can sit there and imagine while you're reading this, and it's going to make you healthier. A lot healthier. Duck fat, tallow, lard, olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil. Eggs cooked in bacon fat or butter. The fat in meats. Nuts like macadamia, brazil, pecans, walnuts. Whole avocados, as many as you care for. Almost any vegetable that grows above the ground, and go ahead and sautee it in that duck fat, and put some butter on top of that brocolli when you're done cooking it in that fat. Cheese! Olives, bacon, and if you want, more bacon. Take 4 or 5 or 6 cups of raw spinach, or cabbage, and cook it up in the bacon fat and then drizzle it with olive oil.

But, the trade off is limiting your carbs. Limiting them to an amount per day that seems impossible, like 25 or 27 a day.

However, that's not the whole story either. You limit yourself to 25 Net carbs a day. That's the number of grams ofcarbs a vegetable or fruit has, minus the number of fiber carbs. That's why you can eat as much avocado as you want. A four ounce avocado has 9 grams of carbs, but 7 grams of fiber, so only 2 net carbs. Do the math.
A typical breakfast would be spinach, eggs, bacon, avocado and if you wanted cream in your coffee, go for it. Fry those eggs in lard or tallow. Oh, and you'll need salt too. Good salt, not that stuff from a blue box.

Wow, I realize I sound like a zealot re-reading this. I'm not. I'm not all exicited and evangelical about it. But you know what? We've been lied to. Lied to so that we think we need to buy sub standard nutrition from boxes and cans, so someone can fill their pockets, and it's made us sick.

What makes us sick isn't the fat. It's the combination of fat and an overload of sugar. Our body just doesn't know what to do with it, and can't function efficiently.

Saturated fat isn't bad for the heart, and polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats actuall raise your hdl's and lower or ldl's. A win/win.

Here's a little image of what happens in ketosis.


As you'll notice, your pancreas, which secretes insulin, is taken out of the equation essentially. In other words, you give your poor pancreas a long deserved rest. Maybe even a chance to heal its beta cells, which are needed to produce that insulin.

Your liver doesn't mind. It can handle making the ketones, which is, as I've learned, a cleaner burning fuel. Your body functions more efficiently on ketones, than on glucose.

You might wonder, "what about fruit?" Well, at some point I'll incorporate more into my food, but I'm not worried about it now. Also, 5 or 10 thousand years ago, an apple, or peach or grapes were nothing like they are today. They were growing naturally, were much smaller, and more more tart, without as much sugar. Someone might occassionally risk knocking down a bee's hive, but there was no place to go get sugar fried in fat, aka Krispie Kremes.

What I do know at this point is that my overall BG is very much down, my fasting glucose is stabilizing, I have switched from taking a diuretic every day to every other day, and will titrate down from there in a few weeks, if things continue this way. Water retention has basically gone away.

It's a good thing the battery of the scale I have went dead, because I'm too lazy to change the battery, and I'm not tempted to weigh myself. I was however, in a Bed Bath and Beyond yesterday, and happened to go by the section of bathroom scales. I stepped on one, and wasn't really surprised to see my weight was down by 7 pounds. That's not water weight. That went off weeks ago, and my body has stabilized from there. It's not muscle loss either. That leaves fat loss.

I'm in mild ketosis, per those ketostix. I'm losing fat because that's all my body has to burn. I'm not losing muscle because I'm giving my body enough good fat so it has almost enough, and pulls what it needs from my current fat stores.

Have I bored you yet?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Dec, 2016 02:21 am
Tom Tom....re the sleepness after eating.

Yeah, that's gone too.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2016 07:30 pm

Julienned zucchini, macadamia and Brazil nuts, sautéed in olive oil and butter, topped with sockeye salmon.

I am blissed out.
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2016 10:59 pm
Sounds delicious! My brother in law is a body builder. He eats only a few kinds of food; boneless skinless chicken breast, some kind of fish (maybe haddock), lots of protein powders and vitamin supplements. He gets down to like 2% body fat before competition and he has to eat every two hours or he gets weak and feels like he's going to pass out. He must be in ketosis, right?
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2016 11:16 pm
Or hypoglycemia
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2016 11:23 pm
Gross. Yeah, I'd say he's in ketosis. If he peed on a ketostick, I bet it would turn dark purple. Mine is in the trace to low range. That's fine with me.

Anyway, he's probably got one of those more expensive models that test his blood.

His purpose for competition is to eliminate the fat that is powering the body as well, so he's loosing all his resources, so the muscle can show up better.

Hey, if that's his thing, great for him. Everything he's doing is extremely hard both physically and mentally. I respect him for that. Just not my thing.

Things like the below are exactly why I steer clear of videos or web pages that are run by or about body builders.

I watched this one youtube and just rolled my eyes. This gym rat had some video about going to the grocery store and getting his food for the week for $50.

1st off, he went to the Walmart Supermarket. Just out principle I put my finger down my throught.

The quality of the food was horrendous.
He bought those keep ass eggs laid by miserable chickens who live out their lives in 8 square inches, have tissue paper thin shells, and whose yolks are barely yellow.
Ditto for some crappy ass shredded walmart brand cheese, gotten from milk from equally miserable cows.

ok, I've got the video going on another page. For the $50 he also got store brand mustard with unneed chemicals, some sugar free ready made jello packs. The rest was meat meat meat, no fish, no chicken, and a tiny bag of already cut up brocolli, and some truly sad looking asparagus.

He does this all while with a baseball size lump of tobacco in his cheek.

I look at it this way. I'm not spending money on good bakery bread and a lot of other quality items, so the cost is probably a wash.

Sigh. My husbands been out of town, and won't be back for a couple more weeks. He's very supportive, and said he will keep any snack in his man cave, in case I have a week moment. I'm at the point I really don't crave anything, but you never know.

I even asked him if he'd be willing for me to get meals delivered from a place like Schwans, and he said sure.

However, when I looked at their website, I didn't see much of anything that would excite him. It all looks pretty middle of the road, let's not take any risks food.

I'll figure something out. Really it's just dinner, since he and I never eat breakfast or lunch together. I get up late, and he's already gone and getting up to mischief.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2016 11:24 pm
roger wrote:

Or hypoglycemia

Oh sure yes to that too.

The 2 aren't mutally exclusive.

The boy just sounds hungry. He obviously really wants to win the competitions.
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2016 11:40 pm
Here's the dinner.

Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2016 02:00 pm
Felt pleased with myself last night, not because of the food (which sucked) but that I made the best choice.

I was coming home from shewolf's last night. She's about 45 minutes away. It was around 9pm. I hadn't eaten since around 1pm, except for an ounce of macadamia nuts to snack on while at her house.

It came to me I was getting hungry, and I had a couple of stops I had to make before going come, so wouldn't be there until after 11pm.

I ended up going through a drivethough at (gag) McDonalds, and got 2 of those dollar menu items, I think they were called McDoubles...they were McGross.

But I needed to eat so I peeled the meat off the buns, swallowed it, and put the buns back in the bag to toss when I got home.

Seriously, if those things didn't have bread around them, no one would eat there.

Having first meal of the day now (went to bed at 4:30am, got up at noon). Having wild salmon (yes again) in butter, wilted cabbage in the same, and good black olives.

Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2016 01:33 am
He's only been at the bodybuilding seriously for about two years. He's 60 years old! He's just an all-or-nothing kind of person. Personally I think it's unhealthy at any age.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2016 01:34 am
Looks delicious! (neat gargoyle)
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2016 10:03 am
That's Kevin.

Kevin's the best.

Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2016 10:11 am
Does he get on well with Roland?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2016 07:30 pm
Hemp hearts.

Taste a lot like pine nuts.

About 20% of the cost.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2016 07:48 pm
chai2 wrote:
Seriously, if those things didn't have bread around them, no one would eat there.

it's the condiments
for some reason a bunch of us had handfuls of coupons for free Big Macs back when I was in high school
we'd go to the exciting new McDonald's and order Big Macs without the meat - but with all the toppings

I occasionally (a couple of times a year) will go and order a McDouble and tell them to dress it like a Big Mac. I want all the toppings - especially the pickles. That's my alternate order - a McDouble with triple pickles.
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2016 08:24 pm
huh. You're right. The condiments just cover up the taste of the greasy meat.

As a kid, getting McDonalds was a big treat. We only got it when an adult had to go through this town maybe 15 miles away. This was way before there were 5 fast food places on every block.

What I remember is the taste of the ketchup and mustard mixing together. Very exotic. Laughing

Ok, I remember now why I brought up the hemp hearts.

I found a recipe to make a flaxseed and egg based focaccia. Ground the seeds into meal in a little coffee grinder I bought just for the purpose of grinding seeds and nuts.

First time making it. I immediately doctored up the recipe with some pesto in the mix. I'm in the middle of eating a grill cheese sammich I I made with it.

Verdict. Not bad for the first time. Not bad at all. Enough to give you enough of the mouth feel of a grill cheese fried up on rustic bread.

Next time will add more pesto, more flaked salt, hemp hearts and more olive oil.

Flaxseed effectively has zero net carbs for how much a person would eat. It's very filling. Plus it's one of those foods you can add a lot of fat to, and it will do nothing but make it more appealing.

By itself, it would be kind of disasterous.

If I spead the mixture out more thinly, and bake longer, it would be a nice cracker.

Crap, I should have added parm to the mixture.

hm....if they were more cracker like, with parm, voila! croutons!

I'm thinking french onion soup.

Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2016 08:27 pm
Oh. On the advise of shewolf, I bought a Veghetti (As Seen on TV!).

It's actually really useful.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2016 08:29 pm
I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to heat up flax seed. That's why it's used as a topping, not an ingredient, when you're interested in its heartsmart properties. If you're just interested in it for its flavour, that obviously doesn't matter.

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