Sat 8 Oct, 2016 05:45 pm
I'll start out by saying that as a young woman I was mildly pretty but no stunner. Re men I liked, I liked brains and eyes and conversation, etc. Have been attracted to men with varying skin colors, wildly varying heights.
warning, too much information, but for clarity:
Now I'm surprisingly old, seems all of a sudden, and I'm no prize. I've varied in weight, somewhat re circumstances, but after those times of high weight, didn't diet, just ate better, did some jogging, no crash stuff, but over a long time. I lost forty or close to fifty pounds gradually over years. Cause of some of that was that I was awake twenty hours a day and needed to eat/and similar excuses. Finally I am back to thinish, so now my worry is getting enough nutrition (please don't send advice on that, I'm a know it all). Still, I've been pretty steady for at least a decade if not longer. So, what?
My face is very odd now, mostly due to eye surgeries (one lid doesn't open much and is stuck together in the morning and sometimes in the day) and some damned effloration of what look like the worst teen pimples, next to that. Yes, I've a good ophthamologist. The pimple stuff is not caused by the major eye stuff but may be related to the additive eye blepharitis.
My point, I'm no facial prize myself.
There is a photo of a few of us friends on a2k recently and I look swell. Not so, face to face with someone in a grocery aisle. The light was good on that photo.
But I can barely stand to look at photos of Trump.
I haven't heard his voice, since I refuse to click onto it.
Thus my question, do looks affect politics, before or after?
I figure they do........
Here is the thing. If we had a machine that could merge Trump and Hillary into one being the result would be surprising. I theorize it would be a creature with four legs and no arms. It would be a herbavor but in a disgusting way. It would regurgitate bile onto plants and then extend a tongue in the shape of a straw slurping up the partially digested plant matter. This creature would give children nightmares and adults would constantly test their gag reflexes to look at it. It's fur would be thin and wirery where even fleas or tics would find it repulsive. They only thing that would prevent people from hunting it down to put it out of its misery are it's eyes which look like it's an injured puppy constantly.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the way Trump looks per se. Are you sure it isn't his ridiculous facial expressions that bother you?
That's the thing to me - I very rarely give a hoot re what some looks like, am interested in their points of view.
This time I take part of my despising looks, some instant from my stomach, or to say more moderately, from my brain, wonder re others now forming opinions.
I bring this up since seeing him over and over on various sites
Trump is an oddly misshapen person, and his demeanor makes him grotesque. In my view. If he were a sweet tempered person, I could forgive his flaws, however. Here is something I was looking at today
Obviously this person has never seen tRumps smile.
When someone acts stupid the way Donald Chump is always doing, one will begin to look stupid as in the case of Donald Chump.