Wed 29 Sep, 2004 04:48 am
The author is going to be sued by two other authors for supposedly copying their work.
Henry Lincoln et al, author of the Holy Grail,Holy Blood and another author who wrote the Da Vinci ????? are going to sue the author.
Mind you as the `Secret dossiers' are fakes,this will be an interesting trial,if it gets to that stage.
u can't
How can you know that the dossiers were fakes?
I'd like to see some one sue Dan Brown for copying their work. If the Da Vinci Code is a copy of anything, it would be its own prelude, Angels and Demons.
and you spelled plagiarism wrong...
Lol. Spelled "Plagirism". And please. These famous authors never get pounded too hard. Case in point: J.K. Rowling vs. "Larry Potter and the Muggles". As far as I know, it never got off the ground...