I'm a woman and not a fearsome techie woman, so I don't know what is going on, just interested, in points of view. Also, I have occasions to misspell.
I'm not the bleeding heart for women here, at least so far, though I am one, but I do know of sharp women techs/scientists, just not me. Some of the smartest scientists I've known were women. I'm author on some papers, but never the lead, for good reason, as I wasn't the lead. In my case it's clear, I was not shut out, and that was in the seventies.
Is this a woman problem or a male shutout? I'm curious.
I was a bleeding heart re women earlier, when we definitely were shut out, back when I was pre-med. Not just me, look at old MCAT admission data. Disgusting, at least in '63 when I read it. Few women in all of US med schools.
The Civil Rights act helped.