I suggest you think a bit more deeply about that word 'believe'.
The 'is-ness' or 'was-ness' of any picture we can conjure up in our minds in order to explain what our minds are comfortable with in terms of our
current existence is 100% predicated on that current existence. Existence of any
thing is conjectured by what humans want to call "a thing". The fact that what I am
comfortable with images of "things" we call "the earth" and "the moon", and the mathematical rules which predict and post-dict their behavior does not detract from my awareness that such rules have been and still are subject to modification, or that they may be irrelevant to other species who have no use for such 'things'. The brief history of what we call 'science' is littered with discarded 'things' (the humours, phlogisten, etc) which once had a prominent role in our understanding of the world. Even the concept of time has undergone shifts in interpretation by humans such that ideas of 'before' and 'after' are no longer as clear cut as they once appeared. So the very concept of 'the world before humans' is a
construction made by current humans on simplistic assumptions about the nature of 'time'...such assumptions being further
functuional constructions ...'and that is all 'facts' amount to.....
functional constructions. (FACT from the Latin
facere - to make or construct)
The politics comes in with respect the negotiation of such functionality. You only need to think about Galileo and the then Pope as an example of that. The Nazis and eugenics is a more recent illustration.