All I can offer you is my point of view. A lot of us guys are not taught how to love someone in a way that goes beyond just showing it. Saying it or writing it or things such as that are often hard and involve a new way of thinking.
Do you have a right to feel however you feel about something sure. I would ask you to think on this thought. Does he love you as best as he knows how and shows you it the best he knows how. If you say yes to those then you might want to think on it an not judge him over harshly.
Your texting and talking back and forth is a thing of pretty much everyone at some point. Outside looking in you both have likely become complacent with the way it is. Here's home, here's work, here's the daily life that is the world. That bleeds into everything every where with time.
Feel how you want to feel, love how you want to love. Remember that 16 years of the same person is a lot of time. It might not be burning the house down with passion but it is the willingness to stick out the hard times along with the good. Something that I would wager is far harder to find in this day and age than a fleeting moment of a pretty word.
If you want more out of each other push for it slowly. It takes time to lead a old horse to that field in another valley when he's happy with where he is.