The restrictions on what laws countries can make regulating corporations, restrictions that will come from the TPP, are something that can be overturned. All it takes is for enough of the countries party to the TPP to elect legislators hostile to it. At that point the leaders in all the TPP countries can say "we're not going to honor this crap treaty anymore. " Governments can flout treaties. Look at how many Dubya thumbed his nose at. One country acting alone would be punished for it, but if they all do it there's no one to punish them.
But if you're in a situation like the Russians are in, where opposition arguments are censored during election campaigns and where the vote is probably rigged anyway, then an angry populace can't vote leaders hostile to deals like the TPP into power. The populace can't even speak views the government does not approve of. You can be arrested for "gay propaganda".
Trump admires Putin.