Bundy Trial: Ammon Bundy's Facebook feed has convicted him
Fortunately, this is the last day of testimony for the week. So, next installment is Monday.
The prosecution introduced Ammon Bundy's Facebook account as evidence today. There is a lot of it - over 300,000 pages - and much of it is damning.
To Washington teabagger Gavin Seim, who asked, “I’m getting conflicting messages on the 2nd. On the one hand it’s being called a rally and protest. On the other hand it’s being called a call to action. Can you clarify that?” he responded he would never go to a rally unarmed.
The next one is a little confusing. It's supposedly from "Brandon Thomas." Brandon Thomas plays guard for the Detroit Lions. Brandon Curtiss, however, is founder and president of sovereign citizen group 3% of Idaho and is known to have provided "armed support" to the Malheur takeover, so I think we're talking about Mr. Curtiss. He actually tried talking Ammon out of his plan to seize the refuge: “I think you ought to make it more clear, that people should not take this as a green light to stand against the feds like was done at your family’s ranch.” Bundy replied that what he planned was "more than just a protest."
(This is sad: Mr. Curtiss has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy due, in no small part, to having spent all his family's money supporting the Bundy bunch. Curtiss owns a property management business that's also being sued because it collected rent and late fees from tenants then kept the money for Curtiss' personal use. How the hell can anyone get themselves that deeply into total bullshit?)
Today we also learned that Ryan Bundy, Kenneth Medenbach and two unknown assistants went to the Bureau of Land Management office in Hines, Ore., and posted signs there stating the office was permanently closed.