I still have flashes of missing the place. My aunt had a large fruitbearing avocado tree as well as a somewhat smaller peach tree, this all in a small yard. There were also black widow spiders under the back steps.
I get your heartbreaking him by moving, but he left you out, or so it seems. Maybe he was open to suggestion. He may be easily swayed, as I alluded to with my personal story re my aunt.
In my case, I remember my, way back when, borrowing $4oo. from my mother, I forget why. Some big bill I was freaked about. She then went to the pastor for consolation that I had had an abortion. Huh? I had left home to get my own apartment.
Plain fear, I think now.
I presume she told my aunt, a mile or so away from our old house and so aunt told the neighbor.
They also worked me up about 'mariawanna'. I didn't take it seriously, as that was a bunch of time before I enjoyed it. My aunt had smelled it on my clothes. Who knows? I've close to no sense of smell; I did have friends that smoked, maybe to her I was mid-reef.
So, that was all years before the house stuff, but I was probably evil to start with. Maybe your family people have similar trophs.
I'm not trying to take over your thread, just relating.