So I turned on the TV while Mo was napping today and Oprah was on. She was helping people meet the person of their dreams - in this case, an R&B singer named Usher.
I started thinking, who would I really want to meet, hang out with for the day, and listen to them talk about their life and work?
For me, the answer was easy - the photographer, Mary Ellen Mark.
You've probably seen her work, even if you don't know it. Her work appears qute often in major magazines.
She photographed the Oregon State mental hospital:
She photgraphed Mother Teresa in Calcutta:
She photographed the prostitutes of Bombay:
She photographed America's down and out:
I hope these images all show up! You can see a lot of her work at Click "books" and browse to your heart's content.
Now, I'd like to know what living person you would most like to spend the day with, and why.