The surname for José is Pepe... go figure....
I very vaguely recall something to do with a religious figure named José and he was the "Pontífice Presbítero" or something like that so it's short was PP (in spanish the p is pronunced pe) and that's how it was born...
although I'm sure my story has a few lies in it.
you mean nickname? (the short name)..
does that mean I am Pepina?
It's funny you say Pepina, as 'pepino' is cucumber in spanish...
I've heard Pepa in some spanish but it's not as common in Mexico, or at least my city.
If your name's Josephine then I think you'd be better suited with Pina. My godmother's name is Josefina and we all call her Pina, also making another fun word relation because godmother is 'madrina' and 'nina' for short resulting in 'Nina Pina'.
And yes.. nickname... I sometimes forget even the easiest words.
My name is Jo Ellen, and I have been known, by my own preference, as Jo for many years. Decades. Not least because my full name was cause for censure back when I was a child. And I chose 'Jo' as I was entering my twenties and it is highly allied with my sense of self. It is as Jo that I have been associated all this long time.
It is touching to me, in that I got a card from an old friend today. He is in deep heart trouble, after surgery, and surely has a mental reconnoitering of his life going on. I know this, I just saw him before the surgery. Thirty years have passed with him knowing me as Jo. The card this week was addressed to Jo Ellen. In this case a reaching out.
I know he is in the midst of dealing with life frowning.
OKay, you guys, I don't want to hear of that name anymore.
I am Jo, and past that, I am Osso.
I have a girl i cooch named Jolene, we call her Jo jo for short. A few weeks ago We were on our way to trampoline, and abunch of us were playing with what we all affectionately call "Gringo Spanish" which is usually just replacing the word "el" for "the" and then adding OOOO to the end of each word, but sometimes with the older girls we'll get more creative and wander into some "Spanglish".
Anyway we were on our way to tramp and I yell: Get on the tramp Jo jo (pronounced ho ho). I clapped my hands over my mouth, and they all laughed at me alot! They like to see me make mistakes like that
I wish your friend can turn that frown to a smile soon, Osso
Spanglish is funny. I get a laugh everytime I hear Yolanda Perez' song 'estoy enamorada'. It's very, very funny.
This is so interesting.
or maybe not.........................
Are you laughing at me or with me or about me or .......
Why do I think this is about me?
No, don't answer that ...
with you, Joe, always with you.... in this case, re it being interesting and then there were no more responses.
JoeBlow's one of the cutest A2K Joe's I've ever met. Even if she does wear sweater sets.
i was walking to the subway tonight when i realized it was JoeBlow, not JoeCool. I think I need more medication.
(Preforming search for sweater-setted Joe's)
and now there's a JoeRepublican...
edit, double post, and I don't need to see JoeRepublicans..
Oh..... good.
(Opening file to see if there is a way to copywrite J O E)
my actual living breathing name is joe
It must be weird to have a name that breathes independently.
JoeNation - if you look in the galleries, you'll see pix in the a2k get-togethers. check out tranna - the occasionally sweater-setted JoeCool is there.
djjd62, every time I see your name here, I want to ask if you used to post on the abuzz cooking threads... so, I'll ask, did you? There was a fellow who posted some good recipes with a similar set of initials...
Joe Nation: This phenomenon has already been identified: it's called