Wed 15 Sep, 2004 09:10 pm
I don't know how well this double CD sold, but I think it's Trent Reznor's best work. It's epic, the production is unbelievably well done. I have been a fan of NIN from the early days, but IMO, this is his best work. I'll bet it will be years before he puts out another album though. Any opinions from fans are welcome.
It's growing on me. Slowly.
I like the brutality of his earlier stuff better.
My feeling about it is that the brutality is still there, but more composed and controlled, which elevates it artistically.
Thanks for starting this thread cav'. I went home last night and had another listen. Had forgotten how much I liked the 'right' album.
I agree the brutality is still there. Hmm, I guess I just prefer my brutality a little more overt.
It's good. It's a departure from his earlier brutality, as Adrian adroitly puts it. I think he hit his apex with The Downward Spiral, and that album is where he begins to depart from the earlier stuff, slowing things down, longer chords, things like that. It's still angry, but no longer as brutal, more depressed, more blue.
Of all of them, I think I like Broken the best.
Yeah, Broken is wicked. I do think he took off from The Downward Spiral artistically. That was my first 'favourite' album, even being a fan since the beginning.
I have a hard time with choosing best album of his. I agree that the frustration and brutality(great description of his work imo) is still there in tact.
At first I didn't get into the Fragile as much as the earlier stuff but it grew on me immensely. The arrangements to lyrics, production to mix, is just masterful. I too have been a fan for a long time.
Bitter memory for me heh - The David Bowie/NIN tour they did back oh maybe 8 or 9 years ago(?) - can't remember exactly. I had ticket to go and could't get out of work. I almost quit to go and now thinking back I wish I had still to this day. From my friends stories that went and even borrowed my car to go, I really missed a good show.
Bowie/NIN playing together? I would have quit!
I love The Fragile, I think it's amazing. Can't wait to hear the new stuff that's being made (finished) now!
Welcome rocksmyworld! What's the news on a release date for the new album?
The only NIN almum I have is Fixed, which is remixes of Broken (I think). Can anyone give me an idea if Fixed is fairly typical of his work? The only thing I didn't like about it was a general lack of percussion in some tracks. I do know Head Like A Hole as well - a favorite nightclub slam-dancing tune of my teens.
I would reccommend The Downward Spiral and The Fragile, Duke. I'm still fixated on Fragile, it's grown on me a lot. The production still blows me away. I have four speakers on the stereo, heh.
Cheers Cav. I'll check it out.
The new album should be out by the end of the year.. apparantly? Which probably means the first half of next year..
I think The Fragile was ahead of it's time and will get new fans, and continue to grow on those of us that love it already.
I would also recommend the 'All that could have been'/'still' double album, which is one live cd ('All that could have been') that's powerful and energetic, and then the 'still' cd is live studio and other bits that's quite introspective and beautiful. A great pair, opposite ends of the NIN spectrum but complementary.
I'll have to check if we have that cd in our collection.