if I was one of the conspiracy theory crowd I would say Hillary hired The Donald to run for president simply to make her own candidacy more palatable... but I'm not so I won't say that.
@Finn dAbuzz,
Depending on my mood:
Either 1 or 2. She should be ... as good as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama but for me? We could do better. The latter two were somewhat disappointing presidents.
I would also quibble with the using the word "evil" to refer to Hillary Clinton. She is a disappointing candidate... but she is not Hitler.
Trump, on the other hand, is evil. That is why I will be voting for Hillary Clinton.
Ya... Trump aint perfect but he's only guilty of saying things people dont like... Hillary is guilty of doing things...like lying to the American public and Congress committing perjury threatening our nation's secrets and operatives operating a play for pay influence peddling... who's more evil?
I would vote for anybody other than Clinton ...hell I'd even vote for maxdancona....Although I'd have to hold my nose because of the evil Factor.
The choice of not voting at all was not included in the options? I will not vote, since my polling place was moved, and I don't care for its new location, based on how far I have to go to the new location, and the possibility that the new location is getting compensated for being a polling location, and I would not want to feather its nest, so to speak. I value personal comfort as part of my voting paradigm. I also don't like people to tell me that my one vote counts, implying it counts more than one single vote. Please don't sell me that baloney. One single vote doesn't count, except by the power of multiplication by millions of votes; however, I choose to not associate with millions of votes. That too makes for my voting comfort paradigm. If voting is ever made compulsory, in my lifetime, that would be a better argument for me to vote, and then I would, but as long as I have the freedom to not vote, I choose not to. This might also be called spite-work, if one understands certain of my cultural idiosyncracies?
Did you miss where I wrote I wasn't asking for who people would vote for because sure as hell, if I had someone would bring up voter privacy.
I swear trying to keep A2K members to specific answers is like herding cats.
So, is that support for trump as the lesser of two evils?
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Evil = Unacceptable.
So genocide and a badly made suit are morally equivalent?
@Finn dAbuzz,
I think I made myself clear.
I see Clinton as a deeply flawed candidate who will probably be as disappointing to me as the last Clinton administration in terms of failed social policy. She is a bad candidate, but she will more or less stay the course with foreign policy, she won't do anything drastic with the economy and she will muddle through on policy issues. But she won't do irreversible damage to the country as a whole.
I see a Trump administration as somewhere between a disaster and an existential crisis.
Clinton is a stomach bug... not pleasant, but you can get through it without any real damage. Trump would be a heart attack.
Who said you didn't?
You quibbled about Clinton being called "evil" and then went on to a hyperbolic assessment of Trump as such.
You made yourself very clear.
"The lesser of two evils" is a cliche and not to be taken literally.
@Finn dAbuzz,
I don't think my assessment of Trump is exaggerated.
No kidding?
You believe the man to be truly evil. That's quite an assessment.
The guy has been a multi-millionaire if not billionaire for decades and yet the sum total of his evil deeds seems to amount to stiffing sub-contractors.
What a villain!
@Finn dAbuzz,
Yes, I believe that Donald Trump is truly evil. It isn't his money or stiffing sub-contractors. It is the fact that he is appealing to the very worst in American culture.
"America First" was a an anti-Semitic slogan used in the 1930s. Some people in the America First Committee openly admired the growing Nazi power. It is not an accident that Trump is using this slogan. He is appealing to deeply troubling, nationalistic and racist ideas.
Yes, I honestly believe that the Trump movement is evil.
I'll support Clinton warily, very warily, and call it #1 since I don't take her as evil in opening poster Finn's description, though I agree with those who take the phrasing of lesser of two evils in a more ordinary way than he does, while I am also horrified by Trump and do think of him as a poster guy for real evil. Or, alternately, completely nuts in some combination of nuts and evil.
Anyone who thinks Trump's "stiffing a few sub-contractors" is the measure of his rottenness is either poorly informed, stupid, willfully ignorant or all of the above.
I can think of a few other reasons it isn't a stretch to think of Trump as evil.
He's a ******* racist bigot.
He was sued twice by the Justice Dept for practicing housing discrimination against blacks and Latinos. He's clearly racist. He's been quoted saying blacks are "inherently lazy", and saying a Latino American federal judge was biased "because he's Mexican". He had black dealers removed from casino tables at the request of high-rolling customers. He's said the only people he wants to count his money are "short guys wearing yarmulkes."
He feigns ignorance about the vast white supremacist following he has, even though his new campaign manager has spread white supremacist propaganda on Breitbart.
He tried to destroy Barack Obama by starting a nasty racist birther crusade that now, since it's totally debunked, he refuses to talk about.
He openly lusts after his own daughter, bragging about her "good figure", and musing that he would "be dating her, if she wasn't my daughter".
He takes pleasure in verbally abusing women, using terms like "bimbo" and "fat pig" on women like Cher, Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Rosie ODonnell, Jennifer Lopez, Heidi Klum and others. And let's not for get the "blood coming out of the wherever" of Megan Kelly.
He advocates torture, and not just for interrogation, - for punishment, because "they probably deserve it".
And yes, he's cheated people, and not just a few people. Hundreds of ex-employees and contractors are accusing Trump of not paying. People are in court trying to recover from being bilked by "Trump University". He has a long history of being a cheat as a business man. He hired 200 undocumented Polish workers and paid them $5 an hour for back breaking work in the 90s.
Donald Trump is a toad of a man whom I have no problem calling evil. And I suggest anyone who defends him has some rot on their soul, as well.