That is a pretty one. Not counting homes I lived in with my parents as a child, I've rented or owned some neat places over the years - a tack on first small apartment, a good apartment that was a whole floor over a spanish style house, two small rooms in an artists' building with a bathroom down a common area hallway, a big studio, a couple of early 1900's California bungalows (one small, one fairly large), and now about a 1000 sq ft POS half of a duplex. Poor judgement on this last one, as I was in a hurry to not keep staying at my friends' house, which was kind of them to let me stay at in the first place. I liked all those other places and have a fair eye on housing as a landscape architect but boy, was I stupid on this last one.
So? at this point I'd like the house in that photo!
I'd have to give it some bookshelves..