stepping out, gingerly, from the tardis Bob realized right away he needed a cell-phone and a Timex.
"I'm feeling very disoriented and a little queazy, said Bob, and i think i'll need the services of the Doctor." "He's not that kind of Doctor." Leela replied, leaning forward over the control panel, and showing as much cleavage as possible without actually disrobing. "But perhaps I can help . . . soothe you . . . "
Leela reached down into what she refered to as 'her purse' and pulled out a tin of Gold Bond medicated powder and a "c" battery for his Timex."now which way is north?" Leela asked Bob to check his orientation. Bob pointed up without removing for a second his eyes from Leela's anklet.
Bob couldn't speak due to what he was witnessing happening right infront of him, it was like some sort of enlightening feeling of fleshly pleasure.
Bob eventually gathered up enough confidence to open his mouth and say something that could get him in good books with Leela.
"I have cash" Bob muttered, Leela was agog with delight.
For a moment Bob paused as if he had nothing more to say, and then he open his mouth with a smiling delight saying, "no....but I have lotsa cash!"
"It is in small, unmarked bills?" inquired Leela.
"No, but I have small unmarked coins which you can use to buy any number of newspapers with"
"Oooh, these will work nicely in Snarkasian parking meters!" exclaimed Leela, biting into a Susan B. Anthony dollar.
Both of them feeling very happy about the money situation, decided to go for a walk and use all this capital that Bob had in his pocket.
It was a splurge on Moon Pies and R.C. Cola at the Texaco station. That Bob was still a dunderhead but he knew how to treat a lady. He dusted off her shoes before entering the Texaco.
"How you doing Bob!" scream Al Rotchinkensan, an overweight male around his thirties and a good friend of Bob, he by the way had the weirdest last name in the entire town.
Leela replies "It is none of your business how I'm doing Bob " as Bob grins sheepishly
"Oh my." said Bob, turning three shades of lilac and a shade of mauve for good measure. "I guess the Moon Pie's gone to your head, dear." he added.
Bob and Leela look at each other and begin to chuckle, Al on the otherhand is still wondering about what's going on, you see Al is not the brightest man under the sun, he is even more of a dunderhead than Bob.
But then Bob got an idea. "I know, we'll buy this Texaco and use it as a filling station for the tardis and it's ilk."
"I just love it when you say ilk." cooed Leela. Al was not visibly impressed, but deep down he wondered what the heck ilk meant and whether Leela and Bob were referring to an animal with antlers.
(I'm glad to see that Leela is still in the story, nothing like a girl tricked out in animal skins with a big knife for spicing up the story . . . )
Leela's eyes narrowed and she reached for her knife, suddenly sensing Al's discomfort, but unaware of it's origin. But Bob stepped between them, saying . . .
"they never deliver here in the foot hills, you want a pizza you have to drive all the way down to the strip mall and get it yourself."