Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd
Harvest Moon - Neil Young
dark side of the moon - pink floyd
The kick inside - Kate Bush
diamonds on the inside - ben harper
Modern life is rubbish - Blur
Modern Times - Al Stewart
deleted by Swimpy who gets confused.
Swimpy - The Kinks never had an album called Where Have All the Good Times Gone that I can find...
Sign of the times - Belle Stars
Time Out of Mind - Bob Dylan
Oops, got my threads mixed up. I'll delete.
Never mind the bollocks here's the Sex Pistols - and I got confused too Swimpy, on the very next post I did an album in the song one - sheesh.
You're Never Alone With a Schizophrenic - Ian Hunter
If You're Feeling Sinister-Belle & Sebastian
I never learned to swim - Jill Sobule