I'm biased, and not necessarily correct: I agree with UC. On the other hand, many of my friends and relatives over the years have gone CSU's successfully and happily.
Happily is important. Which campus do you like? Where do you feel comfortable? or strange (walk around, look hard at the place. Talk to people.)
I think in the world of work, most people hiring would be fine with either.
Some would get a little tingle if you mentioned going to Cal Tech at a party to make a good impression. I do know it's not a UC, I'm saying this because school can carry an aura. Not actually an aura, but a reputation, good or poor.
I'm an older woman, and when I was in high school, the nuns would not send our transcripts to UCLA, as it was run by commies (or words like that). The excuse by them for one of my friends was that girls shouldn't want to be engineers. I think her father fought that, don't remember the results. I did eventually graduate from there, a millennium ago. I was exhilarated by being there, thinking there was nothing I couldn't learn.
Not quite true, but I continued to love being there. That matters.
Go where you want to go.
(There's a song about that, by the Mamas and Papas)
edit to add - your posts often seem to be about age of students and time it takes to graduate, matters that are in the long run unimportant, if money isn't the question. Many of us took longer because we worked full time or close to it. What matters is what you learn and if you enjoyed the increasing knowledge.