angie wrote:Bi wrote: "I have the body of a 25 year old...the experience of an ageless mythical god...the maturity level of a 13 year old.....the libido of an 18 year old.....and the confidence of a 70 year old.......all mixed gently and thoroughly with the humility and humbleness of a 55 year old....... "
See? This is EXACTLY what I mean. Don't need to know Bi's age at all to know he's bright, excellent, and very attractive.

Kind of you to say angie and of course no one likes hearing nice things about me better than me but in all honesty you'd probably be closer to the mark to describe me as shallow, self centered, hedonistic and immature.....I've come to accept it....and squinney concurs....
nah, Bi, kinda think I had it right ....
thoughtful posts, open spirit, inclusive perspective, sharp wit, ..... all good.
(p.s. You were kidding about changing your vote, right ?)
I'm 20. I'll be 21 in January. 21 is the oldest I'll have ever been and I'm looking forward to what will be a life-altering change in numbers. I hear at 21 the nature of sensory perception changes drastically. I can't wait.
angie wrote:nah, Bi, kinda think I had it right ....
thoughtful posts, open spirit, inclusive perspective, sharp wit, ..... all good.
(p.s. You were kidding about changing your vote, right ?)
I don't know I'm pretty discouraged by the way Kerry has allowed the bush machine to puss him down and outfox him....but I think I will probably still vote for him......I want to run as an independent myself you know......
On the "Inhaled, drank the bong water and then did her AND her sister.........what's it to you ?" platform..... :wink:
Does Bear turn everything into politics?
Smartsux wrote:Does Bear turn everything into politics?

I was answering angies question about whether I would change my vote...this was leftover from another topic....please don't hurt me so...I'm a little bear and so very sensitive.....
A little bear who gives big bear hugs. Okay. Just a little payback. :wink:
When I'm at home doing nothing I am 1 month old. All I do is eat / sleep / poop / and cry.
When I'm at my laborous and stinky job, my bones feel like I'm 68.
When I'm with my hunny bunny out on a date and come home to a night of.... (shh!) I am 18.
When I am paying my bills I am 40.
When I'm outside rollerskating at Greenlake I'm 12.
When I'm out at the bar getting drunk... I'm 21.
mchol wrote:When I'm out at the bar getting drunk... I'm 21.
When I'm out at the bar getting drunk, I'm underage. :wink:
I like the view of all of us being many ages, I think that is closer to reality than the usual package we are figured out to be... especially by looks.
Beware of both deigned beauty or ugliness.
very true... I somedays say that I'm a new person everyday, and when I don't think that way it's naturally because I've changed... and it's pretty logical I change age too.. or at least fell that way