Setanta: Red cream soda actually is one of my favorites (Barq's I think) ... just when you think they can't possibly cram more sugar and corn syrup into a soft drink, they do and dye it red to boot.
Once on a thread on a website recently deceased, someone was trying to insult me by asking how much manure I'd shoveled down on the farm that day. They just didn't get it. I actually aspire to bumpkinhood and would enjoy nothing more than mindless poop-shoveling, etc. In a weird way, I am trying to create my own Mayberry (and I'm pretty darned close to succeeding) and just wondered if anyone else was traveling that road.
Blatham: Dayton, Ohio in 1903 or just about any other place in that time period would do it for me.
Boomerang: You know, the Darlin's and Ernest T episodes are about the only ones I don't enjoy watching again and again. Probably something about that breakdown of law and order throwing a wrinkle into my nice, orderly escape world that just doesn't do it for me. I guess when Ernest & Co. come to town I'd just have to head off to Raleigh to catch some cul-chah. (I always tell my wife our next dog will be a male basset hound and his name WILL be Ernest T Basset ...

BTW, as my screenname here seems to be unchangeable, I guess we can discuss the Oreo's in your pantry openly and honestly like other consenting adults do.