tsarstepan wrote:But Russia ISN'T a developing country. It's a slowly collapsing/devolving country.
Russia is one of the BRIC nations and yes is a developing country.
Quote:You're mixing up your political metaphors because the initial definition for 1st World/2nd World/3rd World wasn't a straight on definition created to discuss developing countries and their burgeoning economies. It's a cold war system depicting the clash between 1st World: US and its cold war allies VS 2nd World: USSR and its cold war allies while 3rd World: being any other country attempting to remain neutral in that decades long political, cultural, military clash.
The precise label is not important to the point I am making which is that you live in a much richer country than the countries you are criticizing and that things like a funny bathroom sign (one of the top 20 "disasters" of the Sochi Olympics according to one of your articles) is just not a big deal and doesn't impede the games in any way.
Quote:You can also take the flipside to your argument. There are two types of people in the world. One group that has high standards for civil and political rights and another group which lazily or (far far worse) takes pride in or for other reasons fully accepts the petty corruption, violent tribalism, quasifeudalism, etc... often seen in allegedly developing countries and ... well... gives them a free pass or worse gives them a political high-five and say ... they should be allowed to do whatever nasty thing they're presently doing because... it's their culture. They're in their learning adolescent stage (despite the fact their country or cultures are centuries if not millennia old).
And before you call me a hypocrite, I am very critical of my own culture, government and society.
My point is not that they should not be criticized, it is that the weight you place on the criticism is nonsensical. Acting like this is going to be "apocalyptic" is just irrational hyperbole. In my first post on this thread I mentioned how much there is to criticize but the notion that these things add up to a "disaster" is silly.
In the US people have been bombed and killed in an Olympics. In Sochi the worst were the dumbasses whipping people but otherwise all these inferior buildings are just not going to get in the way of the games and a much bigger deal is made out of them than makes any kind of sense.
Quote:According to your broken logic: If 1st world scientists have proven that eating copious amounts of lead or mercury can lead to toxic death, you have to stand behind the notion that ... underdeveloped and developing societies/countries don't have to heed said warnings.
That's not representative of my logic at all. These things should be criticized, but for the millions of people who live there every day. Not for some temporary games that will go just fine anyway. The notion that the games will be a "disaster" and that this is "apocalyptic" is the silliness. The criticism about pollution etc is legitimate, if overblown.
Quote: They can disregard those warnings ... because... not really sure.
You aren't "warning" them, you are just screaming that the sky is falling. I am not saying they are beyond criticism, I am just saying that the "sky is falling" routine that happens every time a developing nation hosts the Olympics is silly.
Do you not at all get that I am speaking to proportionality? When someone says that some criticism is hyperbolic it does not mean they are advocating that no criticism be offered.
Quote: They need to learn that lesson by themselves?! I'm not the one claiming that people in third world countries should take pride in ingesting dangerous levels of lead, mercury, in this present day Olympic case, copious amounts of pollution and FECAL MATTER exposure.
Oh get off of it, I never ever said they should be proud of anything, just that you are acting like the typical chicken little that comes out every time a developing nation hosts anything significant.
The overwhelming majority of the time the event goes off fine, and so far real Olympic disasters have taken place in developed nations more often than the developing ones (terrorism etc). There's "FECAL MATTER" in pools too! It's just at perhaps a lower concentration and millions of people swim in waters near Rio every year. While some certainly is too polluted there is water suitable for these games to be found. These concerns are real, but they are being inflated to Biblical proportions.