@Real Music,
I am not sure I like the kid analogy.
Most men look at porn, at least occasionally. If a man is in a monogamous sexual relationship, and that relationship isn't going well, pornography offers a pretty easy and safe way to get what you need. Adult pornography doesn't hurt anyone, doesn't have any risk of disease and and can supplement an existing sexual relationship (for example a marriage).
You have to decide whether you want to continue in the marriage. When you love someone, you love who they are... not who you want them to be.
The chance that you are going to be able to force your husband (or any man) to change what is a fairly common behavior that meets a normal sexual need is pretty small. Human beings don't work that way. If you try, you are likely to make him miserable and yourself miserable.
I would recommend you accept reality and work with the marriage you have unless there are other things that make you decide it's not worth the effort. If you don't choose to stick with the marriage, then it will be best for everyone to just end it with as little drama as possible.
It is possible that you will be able to find a man with a much weaker sex drive.