Of course there is the positive side set.....you can live like a God among the natives.....
In the land of the blind, a one-eyed man is king . . .
Phoenix32890 wrote:Cav- Wow! I think that there is a double message there! 
Actually, there was no double message at all. I did indeed awake yesterday to find several identical posts from a 'just hatched' relating to how Islam will conquer the indifels, and I was genuinely amused as I am by all rhetoric.
Ah, that thread. It also said that we'd all be crucified as non-believers... *sniffs* this has quite a lot of sentimental value.
Setanta, a little imagination---please! Prairie oysters, indeed.
This belongs in the made up quotes thread but: A prairie oyster is worth a sand dollar or a governer's pardon in Texas.
Dys wrote "Jesus.... the missing years"
Don't matter cause Karl Rove can fix any cult's image.
I don't get where the same questions have recieved the same answers countless times on dozens of threads for two or three years and the people still ask for a link proving it each time.
so.... um... yeah.... thanks
I've no problem at all with those who only post on their own threads, and, as msolga says, courtesy requires that you maintain your own discussions. Now, the one time political ranters are annoying, but, since they only post once - no problem.
Better Blighted Love and Political Soapboxes than the Born Again indulging in God Hollering WITHOUT CAPS OR STANDARD PUNCTUATION.
I have to admit to a good deal of guilty pleasure from going to such threads and briefly feeding the troll, before repeatedly poking it with a sharp, pointy stick, and thereafter attempting to dissolve the thread into irrelevant and puerile hilarity . . .
Setanta wrote:I have to admit to a good deal of guilty pleasure from going to such threads and briefly feeding the troll, before repeatedly poking it with a sharp, pointy stick, and thereafter attempting to dissolve the thread into irrelevant and puerile hilarity . . .
There are people who join the site to find the answer to a question... often via google, and some stay and check it out and many stay, just within that forum. And many disappear into the ether. I am thinking of the Forteo thread, Forteo being an expensive and tricky drug (tricky at least because it is temperature sensitive) for advanced osteoporosis. A lot of people have participated in that thread and hardly any read the whole thread... I think I can say that with assurance, none but myself read the whole thread, and I don't happen to have the osteo problem, had just clicked on for curiosity. The posters see a2k as a link and and ask their question, and hardly any of the others answer.
I try to stir it up once in a while, thinking that some of them must get updates...
Fun thread!
How about those who only--and I mean only--post on the political threads and only say the same predictable things over and over. My fave is the fella who seems to respond 'LOL' to anyone who disagrees with him. A sheer delight, that one is...