Sun 29 Aug, 2004 01:11 am
What's your thought on people who just come to forums, start a topic and only answer the topics they started?
I suppose, if you ask this, you want this do , too. :-)
well, that's not really the use of a public forum. But if the person don't know how to write in another threads, o.k. ....
It's their pergotaive to do so if they want. Personally, I think they are missing out on a lot this site has to offer, but it doesn't really bother me.
Once you've started a thread it's up to you to maintain it. That's what my learning ground, Abuzz, taught me ... it's good manners to acknowledge contributors to your thread. But that doesn't mean that you can't involve yourself in other topics of interest, too.
What comes to my mind are those folks who apparently are utilizing A2K as a substitute for therapy. They begin their membership with an overly detailed, long winded story about the terrible things that are happening in their lives. They usually don't break up paragraphs, and members are faced with continuous lines and lines of writing, with intricate elaborations.
Many of them use A2K for this purpose, and characteristically do not participate in other threads. I have the feeling that these people are so self involved, that they don't have the wherewithal to give back to others. They need to take, but can't or won't give. And maybe that is the crux of their original problem that brought them to the forum.
And then there are some members who do what I have described, just to get their jollies, and are total frauds.
In addition to those Phoenix has described, there are the obsessive ranters, who come here to rant on the topic which they are certain is the most crucial in the world, and about whihc they seem to feel it is necessary to shout. It seems most often they have come to pick a fight.
Setanta- A few months ago, a couple of members came upon the scene at just about the same time. They were perpetual political ranters, and had a Johnny-one-note agenda. I was suspicious of them right from the getgo, for a number of reasons. It was early in the election process, and at the time, I thought that they might be shills for a political party.
When they "both" left, on the exact same day, I knew that my instincts were right.
Phoenix32890 wrote:What comes to my mind are those folks who apparently are utilizing A2K as a substitute for therapy. They begin their membership with an overly detailed, long winded story about the terrible things that are happening in their lives. They usually don't break up paragraphs, and members are faced with continuous lines and lines of writing, with intricate elaborations.
Many of them use A2K for this purpose, and characteristically do not participate in other threads. I have the feeling that these people are so self involved, that they don't have the wherewithal to give back to others. They need to take, but can't or won't give. And maybe that is the crux of their original problem that brought them to the forum.
And then there are some members who do what I have described, just to get their jollies, and are total frauds.
I know what you mean Phoenix...I lost my patience with these types long ago....probably because I had to place all my resources into myself because of the fact that my father abandoned me at an early age in a gas station and left me to fend for myself on the mean streets of Ohio where I experienced rejection by my peers because......oh......never mind....

Oh ..... That's shocking, truly shocking. More power to you! You survived despite that & you've made a good life. Good for you!
Bear, i see the mean streets of Ohio (oh god, my sides are splitting) taught you an agricultural art . . . spreading manure . . .
I was rather amused, speaking of rants, to wake up yesterday to several identical posts asking the 'infidels' to read.
Setanta wrote:Bear, i see the mean streets of Ohio (oh god, my sides are splitting) taught you an agricultural art . . . spreading manure . . .
Actually west side Akron by downtown was fairly mean when I was coming up..... Remember when the National Guard was called in for the riots back in the mid sixites? They were stationed right in front of my apartment at Rhodes and Market.....but more dangerous than that...I once caught a nasty rash in my nether regions from Linda Cole who lived over off Copley Road......tough times I tell ya.....
Jesus.... the missing years
It was raining. It was cold
West Bethlehem was no place for a twelve year old
So he packed his bags and he headed out
To find out what the world's about
He went to France. He went to Spain
He found love. He found pain.
He found stores so he started to shop
But he had no money so he got in trouble with a cop
Kids in trouble with the cops
From Israel didn't have no home
So he cut his hair and moved to Rome
It was there he met his Irish bride
And they rented a flat on the lower east side of Rome...
Italy that is
Music publishers, book binders, Bible belters, Money Changers,
Spoon Benders and lots of pretty Italian chicks.
john prine
Misery! I'll tell you about misery. I lived at 8th and Iforget in Tulsa and they closed the JiffyMart at Eleventh and so I had to drive an extra two blocks to get beer and cigs..
Joe Nation wrote:Misery! I'll tell you about misery. I lived at 8th and Iforget in Tulsa and they closed the JiffyMart at Eleventh and so I had to drive an extra two blocks to get beer and cigs..
Stop!!! You had me at I lived in Tulsa.....
Oh yeah, well, once I lived in Texas.
For three years.
Joe Nation wrote:Oh yeah, well, once I lived in Texas.
For three years.
Oh Sweet Bleeding Jaysis Joe....((((((((ASEXUAL MANLY BEAR HUG)))))))))))) need that......
Pikers . . . i got ya both beat . . . i live in Ohio right now . . .
you win.....I'm sending Milk Bones to ease your pain...woof woof!!!