Tue 21 Jan, 2003 02:08 pm
We all know the economy sucks right now. I was thinking, "wouldn't it be nice to make an
extra few bucks, without working too hard for it?"
Then I saw a thread posted by someone questioning a well known email scam.
That's when it hit me, "email scam." That would be the perfect gig for me. I mean, I'm
already a used car salesman, so that's an automatic ticket to hell.
Now, I turn to you for your help. What's a good scam I can write up that will make people
start writing checks?
-Money making package. Tell people how I've become rich using this system. For only
$59.99, I'll give you the blueprint to my detailed system on how to generate cash, while
only putting a couple of hours a week in. In return, the person will receive a one page
booklet, that describes how you make money by selling a money making package. Simple.
-Market and sell new cologne, "Horny." I'll throw some old Brut in a bottle and sell them
at $99 each, claiming it contains some pheromones, or some crap.
-Penis enlargement pills. Easy way to sell sugar pills at $49.95 for a month's supply.
Any other ideas? What do you get in return, you ask? 25% off my fine products.
Funny you should ask. I just invented the perfect money machine. Did you know that the US currency is negotiable even if a small part is missing? Here's what you do: Get several $100 bills, and cut sections out of it until you can construct a whole bill.

You can even beat the 'counterfiet rap.' c.i.
Hmm, something tells me my husband will get upset if I check out slappy's package too closely.
What the hell is a one page "booklet".
jespah wrote:Hmm, something tells me my husband will get upset if I check out slappy's package too closely.
Shake your money maker...
slappy, try having an online camera peep show that for future viewer events that show your demise. Ever month, you can spend a full month showing how it didn't work, your back and you have a bigger and better scheme of "offing" yourself, so you start selling tickets again.
Kinda like wrestling.
BTW, I want 10% creators royalties!
BillW, Shouldn't that be 'cremators' royalties. LOL c.i.
c.i., good idea for one of the showings.
This also reminds me of the serial shows created back in the 30's and 40's where every episode ended with a cliff hanger. Except, we don't have a cliff hanger - Slappy is just done in. Now, I hope we don't make any mistakes--------------
Funny, I was just trying to figure out how to make more money too.... I figured I'd market my skills.
errrrrrrr, what are those skills if I may ask littlek?
That link, the guy sells links like
Ripoff, or legit?
Either way, maybe I'll start selling that link for $9.95 a pop.
I didn't think you're package was worth money!
Yer just going to have to buy it to find out, huh, Heeven?
You can sell anything on Ebay
well..almost anything
Id say more like putting together booklets of how evil wimmins is, where in Lynn you're likely to find the most pimp funding, national rating system of just off exit resturants...etc etc
Put these into booklet form...yeah, the whole 1 page thing would work even
And auction them on Ebay
make some small note about them selling at 1.00 each but each bid gets 20 booklets...some horsehoohoo
I like the demise scheme though...very interesting
My package is worth at LEAST $150/hr, however, I'm nice enough to let women use it for free.
Oh wait. We were talking about my MONEY making package.
You're all pervs.
My most marketable skills: Child care and landscaping.